Instructions on how to debug a Java Console application using Codenvy
"Hello World! Execute" or maven Console project created in Codenvy environment
Double-click pom.xml from Projects Explorer
Add maven-jar-plugin settings
Click "+" on DEBUG from Commands Explorer
Select Java
Enter the Name and Command Line and click the "SAVE" button.
Select Edit Debug Configurations from the Run menu
Click the "+" button on the Java side
Enter the Name and click the "Save" button
Click the line number to add a point
It's hard to see that it was added, but you can also check it from the debug screen.
Execute the added debug command from the debug button
When [Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000] is displayed, execute debug.
Processing stops at a breakpoint
debug tool
(Change value from Variables)
Select a value and click the edit button
Correct the value
Confirmation of correction details
Confirmation of execution result
debug command:
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