[1st] Mahjong app development from 0 with two beginners

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I will post how two mahjong crazy people challenge iOS application development from almost 0 programming experience. We will create an article focusing on the following contents.

Revision history

Posted on October 26, 2020 2020/10/27 Added member link 2020/11/03 2nd link added

Launch meeting

Let's make a mahjong app! !! I'm an iPhone user, so it's an iOS app! !!


When the two of us decided to develop it, it was like this, so we held a start-up meeting again.

At the meeting, we discussed the following matters.

  1. What kind of app to make
  2. In what language to develop
  3. What tools do you need for development?
  4. About project management

I didn't even know what to prepare, and when I had a meeting at a bump, it became a mess ... Advance preparation, seriously important.

What kind of app to make

Something related to mahjong

→ Function to record daily results, etc. → Ability to share records among members

For the time being, I decided to make something like a balance sheet application.

It would be nice if the members who installed the app could share records. ↑ Difficulty seems to be extremely high (ignorance), so implement it if you can afford it

In what language to develop

According to research (), iOS apps are developed in a programming language called Objective-C or Swift.

It used to be made in Objective-C, but Swift was announced a while ago and is gradually being replaced by Swift. → If you do it from now on, it will be Swift. It seems that Apple is also pushing.

In the survey, there were some articles such as "Swift is a new language, so there are few technical articles on the net." However, it seems that there is enough information for beginners like ourselves to get involved. felt.

In case of emergency, seniors on the internet will tell you ... right? ??

As for the framework, it is in a delicious state, so I would like to decide it as I proceed with research and development in the future.

What tools do you need for development

It ’s a piggyback ride to Google teachers in the world.

I decided to use these at a minimum.

It seems that it is better to use tools such as task management and version control, but since it is currently overcapacity, I would like to incorporate it as needed

About project management

Meeting once a week. → A meeting that mainly confirms progress reports, sharing of what you have learned, and confirmation of what to do next.

The main purpose is learning, and we will continue to work on it little by little.

We will output development information. (Qiita, Twitter) Project member Twitter Takeda Dashun

(It took about half a day to write so far ... Can I continue ...?)

I have only decided on the operation method softly, so I would like to update it as appropriate. In the first place, there is a feeling that the management decision is such a thing, but for now, please forgive me.

in conclusion

Everything is messed up in a fumbling state, but for the time being, I would like to work on it with "not throwing out development" in mind.

If you do not mind, thank you for your guidance and encouragement.

PS. Recently, Mahjong's grades are too bad, so I'd like to have it so that it can be shown to people by the time the app is released. Maru.

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