Correspondence memo when the direction key cannot be used on the python command line


Every time I built a new python environment with virtualenv etc., I searched again for "How do I do it?", So for the time being, a memo for myself.


This time, I will not use virtualenv, but install it in the pre-installed version of python.


mac os


sudo pip install readline Only this.

important point

However, there are some caveats.

For example, if you have multiple versions of python installed in your environment Suppose python is scattered in the following places.


So, when "/ usr / local / bin" is called with priority due to the reading order of PATH Installing readline does not reflect that functionality. Normal install with pip seems to install for "/ usr / bin".

Is there a way to install this in python in "usr / local / bin"? Or maybe it's not good to install various pythons like this. Please let me know if you understand.

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