[PYTHON] Quickly display the QR code on the command line

Final image

You can use the qr command to convert any character string into a QR code and display it.

Screen Shot 2020-07-17 at 9.51.46.png



It is assumed that the pip command is available. https://pypi.org/project/pip/

qrcode installation

Click here for the package to use qrcode https://pypi.org/project/qrcode/

Install with pip. Install ** pil ** (Pillow) at the same time to export the image file.

pip install qrcode[pil]


When you execute the following command in the terminal, the QR code will be displayed immediately.

qr 'Hello, World!'

If you specify the file name after >, you can export it as image data.

qr 'Hello, World!' > qr.png

in conclusion

There are many useful web services, but are there any scenes where you hesitate to use them? In such a case, it is very convenient at the time of development and operation check if you have a means to generate it quickly at hand.

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