[PYTHON] Think about the selective interface on the command line


The selective interface here is an Anything-like tool in Emacs. It will be easier to understand this point by looking at the image.

Such tools have a variety of applications.

The selective interface allows you to select the output result by connecting it with a pipe. And the selected one will be finally output.

You can use this output to mediate various tools and get values.


A selective interface tool written in python.


installation of percol


$ sudo pip install percol



$ git clone https://github.com/mooz/percol

$ cd !$:t

$ sudo python setup.py install

Basic usage of percol


$ ls | percol

Matches a specific string from the beginning.


$ ls ~ | percol --query="s"

Customize the left side of the prompt.


$ ls | percol --right-prompt=prompt1

percol key binding

With percol, you can also set key bindings by creating a configuration file.


$ mkdir ~/.percol.d

$ vim ~/.percol.d/rc.py


# https://gist.github.com/mitukiii/4234173
import sys, commands
from percol.command import SelectorCommand
from percol.key import SPECIAL_KEYS
from percol.finder import FinderMultiQueryMigemo, FinderMultiQueryRegex

## prompt
# Case Insensitive /Prompt according to Match Method
def dynamic_prompt():
    prompt = ur""
    if percol.model.finder.__class__ == FinderMultiQueryMigemo:
        prompt += "[Migemo]"
    elif percol.model.finder.__class__ == FinderMultiQueryRegex:
        prompt += "[Regexp]"
        prompt += "[String]"
    if percol.model.finder.case_insensitive:
        prompt += "[a]"
        prompt += "[A]"
    prompt += "> %q"
    return prompt

percol.view.__class__.PROMPT = property(lambda self: dynamic_prompt())

## migemo
#Change dictionary path on Mac and Ubuntu
if sys.platform == "darwin":
    FinderMultiQueryMigemo.dictionary_path = "/usr/local/Cellar/cmigemo/20110227/share/migemo/utf-8/migemo-dict"
    FinderMultiQueryMigemo.dictionary_path = "/usr/local/share/migemo/utf-8/migemo-dict"

## kill
#Share kill (yank) with clipboard on Mac
if sys.platform == "darwin":
    def copy_end_of_line_as_kill(self):
        commands.getoutput("echo " + self.model.query[self.model.caret:] + " | pbcopy")
        self.model.query  = self.model.query[:self.model.caret]

    def paste_as_yank(self):

    SelectorCommand.kill_end_of_line = copy_end_of_line_as_kill
    SelectorCommand.yank = paste_as_yank

## keymap
#Make delete (backspace) work on Mac
    127: '<backspace>'
    "C-a" : lambda percol: percol.command.beginning_of_line(),
    "C-e" : lambda percol: percol.command.end_of_line(),
    "C-b" : lambda percol: percol.command.backward_char(),
    "C-f" : lambda percol: percol.command.forward_char(),
    "C-d" : lambda percol: percol.command.delete_forward_char(),
    "C-h" : lambda percol: percol.command.delete_backward_char(),
    "C-k" : lambda percol: percol.command.kill_end_of_line(),
    "C-y" : lambda percol: percol.command.yank(),
    "C-n" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_next(),
    "C-p" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_previous(),
    "C-v" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_next_page(),
    "M-v" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_previous_page(),
    "M-<" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_top(),
    "M->" : lambda percol: percol.command.select_bottom(),
    "C-m" : lambda percol: percol.finish(),
    "C-j" : lambda percol: percol.finish(),
    "C-g" : lambda percol: percol.cancel(),
    "M-c" : lambda percol: percol.command.toggle_case_sensitive(),
    "M-m" : lambda percol: percol.command.toggle_finder(FinderMultiQueryMigemo),
    "M-r" : lambda percol: percol.command.toggle_finder(FinderMultiQueryRegex)

reference: Super convenient if you put percol and combine it with zsh

I tried the terminal version of anything-like percol instead of zaw

Applied usage of percol

Select multiple lines with percol

To select multiple lines, use percol.command.toggle_mark_and_next (). By default, it seems to be set to C-S.


$ ps ax | percol | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs kill

In my case, I am writing the following configuration file. Multi-line mark and mark cancellation.


    "C-n" : lambda percol: percol.command.toggle_mark_and_next(),
    "C-p" : lambda percol: percol.command.unmark_all(),

You can also set the delimiter with the following command.


$ ls | percol | tr '\n' ';'

percol zsh completion

When cloning from GitHub, it seems that it is prepared from the beginning.



$ curl -o ~/.zsh/functions/_percol https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mooz/percol/master/tools/zsh/_percol

$ exec $SHELL

cd with percol

If cdr is created, it seems that you can easily move by the following method.


# http://piyopiyoducky.net/blog/2013/08/17/cdr-with-percol/
### search a destination from cdr list
function percol-get-destination-from-cdr() {
    cdr -l | \
        sed -e 's/^[[:digit:]]*[[:blank:]]*//' | \
        percol --match-method migemo --query "$LBUFFER"

### search a destination from cdr list and cd the destination
function percol-cdr() {
    local destination="$(percol-get-destination-from-cdr)"
    if [ -n "$destination" ]; then
        BUFFER="cd $destination"
        zle accept-line
        zle reset-prompt
zle -N percol-cdr
bindkey '^xb' percol-cdr

Other than that, click here.


# https://github.com/shibayu36/config-file/blob/master/.zsh/percol-sources/cdr.zsh
function percol-cdr () {
    local selected_dir=$(cdr -l | awk '{ print $2 }' | percol)
    if [ -n "$selected_dir" ]; then
        BUFFER="cd ${selected_dir}"
        zle accept-line
    zle clear-screen
zle -N percol-cdr
bindkey '^@' percol-cdr


I wrote a cd to the directory I went to recently with percol

Move to Anything-like directory recently moved by Zsh cdr and percol --PiyoPiyoDucky

Migrate from autojump to percol-based directory jump | Web scratch

percol and ghq

Makes your directory structure easier to use.


$ go get github.com/motemen/ghq

Details are introduced in the following articles.

ghq + percol + docc | SOTA

Unified and efficient management of local repositories using ghq --delirious thoughts

The zsh completion file of the ghq command has been modified, so I will explain the process --Qiita

percol and git

Percol is also very useful for making git commands easier to use.

Details are introduced in the following articles.

git-issue + git-flow + percol

Settings that make it easier to branch redmine tickets using percol and git-issue | Technology-Gym

Use percol to copy the git commit hash value to the clipboard-Qiita

Git --auto-complete pull request and check out --Qiita


A selective interface tool written in golang based on percol.


The configuration file can be edited as follows.


    "Keymap": {
        "C-p": "peco.SelectPrevious",
        "C-n": "peco.SelectNext",
        "C-c": "peco.Cancel"

Details are introduced in the following articles.

Command "peco" that makes the Windows command prompt 10 times more convenient

Introduced peco and used it for zsh history-Goodbye Internet

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