Most of the code is Convert-Pascal-VOC-to-COCO (github) I am diverting it.
For personal reasons, I had to use a COCO format dataset to learn object detection. However, the learning data created by the annotation tool so far cannot be used immediately in the Pascal VOC format xml file. There is little information when converting a Pascal VOC format dataset to a COCO format dataset, isn't it?
Maybe I just haven't been found. ..
Converts all xml files under the ./annotation/ directory and outputs to one json file (train.json).
The name of the category is racket, player ,,, but please rewrite it according to the data.
import os
import glob
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xmltodict
import json
from xml.dom import minidom
from collections import OrderedDict
def XML2JSON(xmlFiles):
attrDict = dict()
images = list()
annotations = list()
image_id = 0
for file in xmlFiles:
image_id = image_id + 1
image = dict()
doc = xmltodict.parse(open(annotation_path).read(), force_list=('object'))
image['file_name'] = str(doc['annotation']['filename'])
image['height'] = int(doc['annotation']['size']['height'])
image['width'] = int(doc['annotation']['size']['width'])
image['id'] = image_id
print ("File Name: {} and image_id {}".format(file, image_id))
id1 = 1
if 'object' in doc['annotation']:
for obj in doc['annotation']['object']:
for value in attrDict["categories"]:
annotation = dict()
if str(obj['name']) == value["name"]:
annotation["iscrowd"] = 0
annotation["image_id"] = image_id
x1 = int(obj["bndbox"]["xmin"]) - 1
y1 = int(obj["bndbox"]["ymin"]) - 1
x2 = int(obj["bndbox"]["xmax"]) - x1
y2 = int(obj["bndbox"]["ymax"]) - y1
annotation["bbox"] = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
annotation["area"] = float(x2 * y2)
annotation["category_id"] = value["id"]
annotation["ignore"] = 0
annotation["id"] = id1
annotation["segmentation"] = [[x1,y1,x1,(y1 + y2), (x1 + x2), (y1 + y2), (x1 + x2), y1]]
id1 +=1
print("File: {} doesn't have any object".format(file))
print("File: {} not found".format(file))
attrDict["images"] = images
attrDict["annotations"] = annotations
attrDict["type"] = "instances"
jsonString = json.dumps(attrDict)
with open("train.json", "w") as f:
trainXMLFiles=glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.xml'))
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