[Python] What is a tuple? Explains how to use without tuples and how to use it with examples.

What is a python tuple? Explains how to use without tuples and how to use it with examples.

Tuples that are often seen in error displays.

Know how to become a tuple to prevent it from becoming a tuple before you know it.

## What is a tuple

--One of the python types --Type: list, int, str, etc. ――A group of multiple elements arranged in order --Different from array (list) --Cannot sort --Elements cannot be added / deleted --Limited methods available

** ~ Table of Contents ~ ** How to make tuples (how to make tuples)
  1. [Assign to variable separated by "," without parentheses](# 1-Assign to delimited variable without parentheses)

  2. Enclose in [(). "," Is one or more](# 2-Encloses one or more)

  3. [Use tuple method](# 3-Use tuple method)

  4. [1 character (str)](# 1 character str)

  5. [2 or more character string (str)](# 2 or more character string str)

  6. [Number in array format](# Number in array format)

  7. [Empty argument](# array format number)

  8. [Conditions that do not become tuples](# 4 Conditions that do not become tuples)

  9. [How to specify tuple elements](# 5 Tuple element specification)

  10. [Conditions for errors in tuples](# 6 Conditions for errors in tuples)

  11. [Methods that can be used with tuples](Methods that can be used with # 7 tuples)

  12. [count method](# 1 count method)

  13. [index method](# 2index method)

  14. [Summary of how to use tuples](# 8 How to use tuples)

## How to make tuples ### 1. Assign to a delimited variable with "," without parentheses The condition for creating tuples is a comma "," instead of parentheses ().

Numerical values, strings, and variables can be tuples.

How to make tuple (numerical value)

a = 1,2,3,4,5

#Output: tuple

How to make tuple (character string)

b = 'AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC',

#Output: tuple

How to make tuple (variable)

A = 'AAA'
B = 'BBB'
C = 'CCC'

d = A, B, C,

#Output: tuple

If there is only one element, it will not be a tuple.

Not tuple (int)

e = 1

#Output: int

Not tuple (str)

f = "A"

#Output: str

Even if it is a single character, it becomes a tuple if you add ",".


g = 1,

#Output: tuple


h = "A",

#Output: tuple

#### Empty argument Even if the argument is empty, it becomes tuple.

tuple (empty)

j = tuple()

#Output: tuple

## 2. Enclose in (). One or more "," Just add () to the tuple of "1. Assign to a delimited variable with", "without parentheses".

Numerical values, strings, and variables can be tuples.

How to make tuple (with numbers and parentheses)

a = (1,2,3,4,5)

#Output: tuple

How to make tuple (with character string and parentheses)

b = ('AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC')

#Output: tuple

How to make tuple (with variables and parentheses)

A = 'AAA'
B = 'BBB'
C = 'CCC'

d = (A, B, C)

#Output: tuple

If there is only one element, it will not be a tuple.

Does not become tuple (with int and parentheses)

e = (1)

#Output: int

Does not become tuple (with str and parentheses)

f = ("A")

#Output: str

Even if it is a single character, it becomes a tuple if you add ",".

tuple(int,・ With parentheses)

g = (1,)

#Output: tuple

tuple(str,・ With parentheses)

h = ("A",)

#Output: tuple

### 3. Use the tuple method #### 1 character (str) └ Output with'character'+ ","

tuple method (1 character)



#### A string of two or more characters (str)

tuple method (multiple strings)


#output:('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')

Separated character by character

#### Array format numbers Change array (list) type to tuple type with tuple method.

tuple method (one array type number)



tuple method (multiple numbers of array type)

i = tuple([1,2,3,456,789])

#Output: tuple

* Error if the argument is not an array type

tuple method (numerical value / error)


#Output: "TypeError": 'int' object is not iterable」

tuple method (numerical value / error)

j = tuple(1,2,3,456,789)

#Output: "TypeError": tuple expected at most 1 argument, got 5」

## Four. Conditions that do not become tuples

** ■ Case Study **

  1. One character without ","
  2. Multiple characters / numbers enclosed in [](becomes a list)
  3. The argument of tuple () is a number without "," delimiter

You can avoid unintentionally tuples by using [] to indicate that it is a list.

### One character without "," is not a tuple.

Does not become tuple (with int and parentheses)

e = (1)

#Output: int

Does not become tuple (with str and parentheses)

f = ("A")

#Output: str

Does not become tuple (with int and parentheses)

e = (1)

#Output: int

Does not become tuple (with str and parentheses)

f = ("A")

#Output: str

### Multiple characters / numbers enclosed in [](becomes a list)

Not tuple ([ ]Multiple characters enclosed in)

k = ["AAA","BBB","CCC"]

#Output: list

Not tuple ([ ]Numbers enclosed in 1)

m = [1]

#Output: list

Not tuple ([ ]Numbers enclosed in (multiple)

n = [1,2,3,4,5,]

#Output: list

### The argument of tuple () is a number without "," delimiter Get an error

tuple error


#Output: TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

## Five. Specifying tuple elements -The specification method is the same as the array (list) -Each element is not a tuple. └ Become "int" or "str"

Tuple element specification (numerical value)

a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

a[1]        #Output: "2"
type(a[1])  #Output: "int"

Each element is an int, not a tuple

Tuple element specification (character string)

b = ('AAA','BBB','CCC')

b[2]        #output:"'CCC'」
type(b[2])  #Output: "str"

Each element is str, not tuple

## 6. Conditions that cause an error in tuples In many cases, the method cannot be used with tuple. append, replace, etc.

tuple error (append)

a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

#Output: AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'

You can use it with list

a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

#output:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

## 7. 7. Methods that can be used with tuples Only two methods, the count method and the index method.

1. 1. count method

Count how many elements specified by the argument are in the tuple.

A.count(x) └ "A" tuple └ "x" counting element └ * Not the number of characters

count(Numerical value)

a = (111,222,333,111,444,123,555,111,222,111)

#Output: 4

There are four "111" in a


b = ("AAA","BBB","CCC","aaa","bbb","AAA",123, 456, "AAA")

#Output: 3

There are 3 "AAA" in b

### 2. index method -Returns the number of the specified element (counting from 0) ・ If there are multiple, the younger number is returned first.

A.index(x) └ "A" tuple └ "x" counting element └ Returns index number


a = (111,222,333,111,333)

#Output: 2

"333" in a is the second (counted from 0. 1st number)

index (character string)

b = ("AAA","BBB","CCC","aaa",123, 456, "aaa")

#Output: 3

"Aaaa" in a is the third (counting from 0. First number)

index (all output)

a = (111,222,333,111,333,111)

for i, aaa in enumerate(a):
    if aaa==111:

#Output: 0 3 5

▼ What is ʻenumerate (A)`?

--enumerate: A function that can retrieve the "element" in A and the "index number" of the element --A contains list and tuple --Use as a set with a for statement --Two new variables are needed --Variable to put "element" --Variable to put "index number"

▼ How to use enumerate for a, b in enumerate(A): └ "a": Store index number └ "b": Store element

In the above example, the index number is output when the element is 111.

## 8. 8. Summary of how to use tuples Use when you do not want to change the element (set a limit).

There are few scenes where you have to be a tuple, so basically you don't use it (should ...)

To avoid unexpected tuples, add [] to indicate that it is a list.

Reference: The official website is [here](https://docs.python.org/ja/3/library/stdtypes.html)
[Back to top](#python tuples are not tuples and how to use them)

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