An introduction to Groovy for tedious Java engineers

table of contents

--What is Groovy? --Characteristics of Groovy --Advantages of Groovy --Disadvantages of Groovy

What is Groovy

** Dynamically typed scripting language that runs on the JVM **

Features of Groovy

Why target "troublesome" "Java engineers" ...

That's because Groovy has the following advantages.

** 1. Less code than Java ** 2. Java API is also available 3. Rich ecosystem (Grails, web application framework, Spock, testing framework, etc.)

Groovy Benefits-Less code volume compared to Java

--Variable declaration / method declaration

Variable declaration is possible with def (type can be specified) When declared with def, the variable type is ʻObject type publicpublic` is not required when declaring a method (because the method scope is public by default)


String helloWorld = "Hello World.";

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // do something


def helloWorld = "Hello World."

//public can be omitted
static void main(String[] args) {
    // do something

//The return type can be def
static def main(String[] args) {
    //do something

//Return type can be omitted
static main(String[] args) {
    //do something

//Argument type can also be omitted
static main(args) {
    //do something


You can embed a variable in a string in the form of a $ variable


String name = "Michael";
System.out.println("Hello " + name + "!");

//Output result
// Hello Michael!


def name = "Michael"
println "Hello $name!"

//Output result
// Hello Michael!

--Initialization of List and Map

List initialization is [] Map initialization is [:]


List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();


def list = []
def map = [:] //Type will be LinkedhashMap

--Collection operation

Closure is convenient ʻItis an implicit variable that represents the arguments passed to the closure (in the example below, each element of thenumbers` list)


List<Integer> numbers = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
List<Integer> odds = -> number % 2 != 0).collect(Collectors.toList());

//Output result
// [1, 3, 5]


def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 
def odds = numbers.findAll { it % 2 != 0 } 
//This way of writing is also OK
// def odds = numbers.findAll { number -> number % 2 != 0 }
println odds

//Output result
// [1, 3, 5]

--DB operation (MySQL)

You can get the library from an external repository (such as Maven repository) using a configuration management tool called Grape with @ Grab The groovy.sql.Sql class is useful

person table

person_id first_name last_name
1 Michael Jordan
2 Michael Jackson


// mysql-connector-Download java and add it to your classpath

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sampledb", "root", "root");
// first_The last record whose name is Michael_Get name
PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT last_name FROM person WHERE first_name = ?");
pstmt.setString(1, "Michael");
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
//Last of the acquired record_Output name to console
while( {

//Output result
// "Jordan"
// "Jackson"


//Mysql from external repository using Grape-connector-get java

def sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sampledb", "root", "root", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
// first_The last record whose name is Michael_Get name
def rows = sql.rows("SELECT last_name FROM person WHERE first_name = ?", ["Michael"])
//Last of the acquired record_Output name to console
rows.each {
    println it.last_name

//Output result
// "Jordan"
// "Jackson"

Disadvantages of Groovy

--Type checking is not possible at compile time

Since it is a dynamically typed language, the type is not declared, and the variables and closure arguments declared with def are type-checked at runtime, so errors caused by the type are not pointed out until runtime.

--Some versions do not support some Java syntax

Some syntaxes such as try-with-resource statements and lambda expressions are not supported in system 2. These are also supported in version 3 series, but since it was released in February of this year, there is a possibility that the latest version also uses 2.5 series for frameworks and libraries that use Groovy.

in conclusion

Groovy requires less code than Java and can be expected to improve development efficiency. Also, learning costs are low for Java engineers and it won't take long to learn. (I also learned it in about 3 months.) If you find your Java code verbose or want to develop it more efficiently, why not give Groovy a try?

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