This is a series of articles that I have compiled in my study and memo. The fourth. This is a continuation of this article. Introduction to algorithms in java-Search (breadth-first search) In this article
--bit full search
I will study about. I'm sure you'll see the explanation of the calculation, so please come.
I used to think that this was a binary search, but it seems different. Let's find out what kind of search it is.
I looked it up. It seems to be the way to search all patterns when there are (probably) two choices for each one in a set. Is it difficult to understand? I will introduce an example at once.
Example: AtCoder --abc167-c "Skill Up"
(Section start) 【Problem statement】 Takahashi, who started competitive programming, has M algorithms that he wants to learn. Initially, the comprehension of each algorithm is 0. When Takahashi went to the bookstore, N reference books were on sale. The i-th reference book (1 ≤ i ≤ N) is sold in the Ci circle, and by purchasing and reading it, the understanding of the j-th algorithm for each j (1 ≤ j ≤ M) is improved by Ai, j. I will. Also, you cannot improve your understanding in any other way. Takahashi's goal is to improve the understanding of all M algorithms to X or higher. Determine if Takahashi can reach the goal, and if possible, calculate the minimum amount required to reach the goal.
[Restrictions] All inputs are integers 1≤N,M≤12 1≤X≤10^5 1≤Ci≤10^5 0≤Ai,j≤10^5
【input】 Input is given from standard input in the following format.
C1 A1,1 A1,2 ⋯ A1,M
C2 A2,1 A2,2 ⋯ A2,M
CN AN,1 AN,2 ⋯ AN,M
【output】 If Takahashi can't reach the goal, output -1, otherwise output the minimum amount required to reach the goal.
(End of section)
Like this problem, the place where you have two choices of ** "buy / do not buy" ** for the i-th book is like the bit full search problem. There are N reference books, and each book has two choices, "buy / not buy", so it is necessary to search 2 ^ N times. ↓
1st book | 2nd book | 3rd book | 4th book | ・ ・ ・ | Nth book |
buy or Not buy |
buy or Not buy |
buy or Not buy |
buy or Not buy |
buy or Not buy |
buy or Not buy |
That's right. There are 2 choices for each of the N books, so there are 2 ^ N ways. Here, if buy = 1 and not buy = 0, it can be expressed as a binary tic.
Assuming that the first volume is N, N-1, N-2, ..., 3,2,1 from the upper digit, for example, when N = 5, "01001" means to buy the 4th and 1st books.
By the way, mathematically speaking, it can be said to be "the number of subsets that should be purchased for N reference books." If the set of N reference books is {1,2,3, ..., N-1, N}, for example, the subset when buying the first and third books can be expressed as {1,3}. Right. This "number of subsets" can also be expressed as 2 ^ N. You can apply the two choices of "add or not to the subset" to each reference book (the reference book at this time is mathematically called the original or element).
For example, the subset of whether to purchase 3 books is as follows.
{000}・ ・ ・ I don't buy a single book
{001}・ ・ ・ Buy only the first book
{010}・ ・ ・ Buy only the second book
{011}・ ・ ・ Buy the first and second books
{100}・ ・ ・ Buy only the third book
{101}・ ・ ・ Buy the 1st and 3rd books
{110}・ ・ ・ Buy the 2nd and 3rd books
{111}・ ・ ・ Buy all 3 books
You can see that there are exactly 2 ^ 3 = 8 ways.
Let's take a look at an example answer from java.
[Answer example]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
//Number of reference books
int n = sc.nextInt();
//Number of algorithms you want to learn
int m = sc.nextInt();
//Acquisition goal comprehension
int x = sc.nextInt();
//Price of the nth reference book
int[] costs = new int[n];
//Increased comprehension of the m-th algorithm in the n-th reference book
int[][] a = new int[n][m];
//Receiving input
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
costs[i] = sc.nextInt();
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
a[i][j] = sc.nextInt();
//Understanding of the m-th algorithm, tmp variable of reference book cost, variable to remember reference book cost for each loop, variable of whether algorithm acquisition was achieved
int[] aTmp = new int[m];
int costTmp = 0;
List<Integer> costsSave = new ArrayList<>();
boolean mastered = true;
*Bit full search from here
for (int i = 0; i < 1 << n; i++) {
//The whole loop of bit full search
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
//Determining which reference book to buy for each loop(Whether to buy the jth book)
if ((1 & i >> j) == 1) {
//I got caught here=Add to buy(jth book purchase)
for (int h = 0; h < m; h++) {
//Increased understanding of the mth algorithm when buying the jth reference book
aTmp[h] += a[j][h];
//Price of the jth book
costTmp += costs[j];
//Since I finished buying the reference book, I will judge whether I can remember the algorithm and keep the price
for (int h = 0; h < m; h++) {
if (aTmp[h] < x) {
//NG if you don't remember even one algorithm
mastered = false;
if (mastered) {
//Temporarily store the total price
//Clean up
for (int h = 0; h < m; h++) {
aTmp[h] = 0;
costTmp = 0;
mastered = true;
//Output the smallest value in list. If the list is null"-1"Output
int ans = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (costsSave.isEmpty()) {
ans = -1;
} else {
for (int cost : costsSave) {
if (ans > cost) {
ans = cost;
It is like this. Somehow, when I usually write java, I use unfamiliar symbols about twice.
"Search all bits from here"
for (int i = 0; i < 1 << n; i++)
"I got caught here = added to the purchase target (jth book purchase)"
if ((1 & i >> j) == 1)
is not it.
"&" "<<" ">>" are called "bit operators". For detailed processing, please gg and explain briefly. "&" Is a logical product, and "<<" and ">>" are for shifting the bit string to the right or left.
(Example) 01001 & 11000 = 01000 01001 << 1 = 10010 00100 >> 1 = 00010
Did you see the shift to the right or left, which takes the logical product for each bit? I will go lightly here.
Let's explain the code.
First of all
for (int i = 0; i < 1 << n; i++)
it's here.
Notice the repeat condition part of this for statement, ʻi <1 << n. First of all, the first symbol "<" (the one to the right of i) is an inequality sign and seems to be correct. So, the "<<" in
1 << nis the bit operator (strictly speaking, the shift operator). It means
1 << n`, but it means " shift 1 to the left n times ".
For example, if you shift 1 to the left once, it will be "10" (expressed in decimal, which is 2 in decimal).
Similarly Shifting 1 to the left twice gives "100" (expressed in decimal, 4 (= 2 ^ 2) in decimal). Shifting 1 to the left three times gives "1000" (expressed in decimal, 8 (= 2 ^ 3) in decimal). Shifting 1 to the left four times gives "10000" (expressed in decimal, 16 (= 2 ^ 4) in decimal).
In the first place, as for the number of total searches this time, I wanted to think about 2 ^ N ways because it is the same as buying or not buying for n reference books. In other words, if you rewrite this for statement,
for (int i = 0; i < Math.pow(2,n); i++)
Can also be rewritten. Did you understand somehow?
Let's go next.
if ((1 & i >> j) == 1)
It was hard to understand this, wasn't it? ..
If you translate the parentheses of the if statement into Japanese, it is "whether the logical product of ** 1 and i >> j is equal to 1 **".
For example, let's say i = 5 and j = 2.
(Speaking of this problem, we are in the process of considering the 5th search and the purchase of the 3rd book.)
Converting 5 to binary is 0101, and shifting it to the right twice gives the following feeling.
Then, take the logical product of 1 (0001) with this. Do you know that taking a logical product with 1 determines ** whether the last digit is 1 or not **? Shifting twice and the last digit being 1, in other words, looking two left from the last digit to see if it is 1. In other words, it is judged whether the jth digit from the bottom is 1. If it is 1, it will be the target of purchase.
Search for all patterns with the for statement in "Search all bits from here", The following for sentence "Determining which reference book to buy for each loop (whether to buy the jth book)" identifies the book to buy with that pattern.
Is it a little difficult? Let's follow the process by putting a concrete input example as a trial.
【Input example】
3 3 10
60 2 2 4
70 8 7 9
50 2 3 9
n = 3 , m = 3 , x = 10 0th book cost, algorithm comprehension 0,1,2 Cost of the first book, understanding of the algorithm 0,1,2 Cost of the second book, understanding of the algorithm 0,1,2 It was the order of. It is easy to understand and counts from 0 start.
Then let's search all bits.
Since n = 3,
The loop of "bit full search from here"
for(int i = 0 ; i < 1 << 3 ; i++)
So, 1 << 3 shifts 0001 to the left three times, so it becomes 1000. That is eight.
It is exactly 2 ^ 3.
Let's look at i = 0 to i = 7 in order. I will convert it to a binary number as appropriate. The digit you are looking at in j is shown in bold.
When i = 0 (000)
When j = 0 (i = 00 0 </ b>)
ʻIf ((1 & 000 >> 0) == 1) is not, so do not buy the 0th book When j = 1 (i = 0 <b> 0 </ b> 0) I don't buy the first book because it's not ʻif ((1 & 000 >> 1) == 1)
When j = 2 (i = 0 </ b> 00)
ʻIf ((1 & 000 >> 2) == 1) is not, so don't buy the second book When i = 1 (001) When j = 0 (i = 00 <b> 1 </ b>) ʻIf ((1 & 001 >> 0) == 1)
, so buy the 0th book
When j = 1 (i = 0 0 </ b> 1)
I don't buy the first book because it's not ʻif ((1 & 001 >> 1) == 1) When j = 2 (i = <b> 0 </ b> 01) I don't buy the second book because it's not ʻif ((1 & 001 >> 2) == 1)
When i = 2 (010)
When j = 0 (i = 01 0 </ b>)
ʻIf ((1 & 010 >> 0) == 1) is not, so do not buy the 0th book When j = 1 (i = 0 <b> 1 </ b> 0) ʻIf ((1 & 010 >> 1) == 1)
, so buy the first book
When j = 2 (i = 0 </ b> 10)
I don't buy the second book because it's not ʻif ((1 & 010 >> 2) == 1) When i = 3 (011) When j = 0 (i = 01 <b> 1 </ b>) ʻIf ((1 & 011 >> 0) == 1)
, so buy the 0th book
When j = 1 (i = 0 1 </ b> 1)
ʻIf ((1 & 011 >> 1) == 1) , so buy the first book When j = 2 (i = <b> 0 </ b> 11) I don't buy the second book because it's not ʻif ((1 & 011 >> 2) == 1)
When i = 4 (100)
When j = 0 (i = 10 0 </ b>)
ʻIf ((1 & 100 >> 0) == 1) is not, so do not buy the 0th book When j = 1 (i = 1 <b> 0 </ b> 0) I don't buy the first book because it's not ʻif ((1 & 100 >> 1) == 1)
When j = 2 (i = 1 </ b> 00)
ʻIf ((1 & 100 >> 2) == 1), so buy the second book When i = 5 (101) When j = 0 (i = 10 <b> 1 </ b>) ʻIf ((1 & 101 >> 0) == 1)
, so buy the 0th book
When j = 1 (i = 1 0 </ b> 1)
I don't buy the first book because it's not ʻif ((1 & 101 >> 1) == 1) When j = 2 (i = <b> 1 </ b> 01) ʻIf ((1 & 101 >> 2) == 1)
, so buy the second book
When i = 6 (110)
When j = 0 (i = 11 0 </ b>)
ʻIf ((1 & 110 >> 0) == 1) is not, so do not buy the 0th book When j = 1 (i = 1 <b> 1 </ b> 0) ʻIf ((1 & 110 >> 1) == 1)
, so buy the first book
When j = 2 (i = 1 </ b> 10)
ʻIf ((1 & 110 >> 2) == 1), so buy the second book When i = 7 (111) When j = 0 (i = 11 <b> 1 </ b>) ʻIf ((1 & 111 >> 0) == 1)
, so buy the 0th book
When j = 1 (i = 1 1 </ b> 1)
ʻIf ((1 & 111 >> 1) == 1) , so buy the first book When j = 2 (i = <b> 1 </ b> 11) ʻIf ((1 & 111 >> 2) == 1)
, so buy the second book
What do you think? You can buy only the digits that are exactly 1. Once you know which reference book to buy, all you have to do is calculate it, so I'll skip that process.
As I am writing, I will not be able to implement it if I am told to implement it, so the rest is practice. I will solve the following problems of AtCoder and practice later. **All you need is practis! !! !! ** ** AtCoder - abc079-c「Train Ticket」 AtCoder - abc128-c「Switches」
This is the end of the search section. How about studying full search, binary search, depth-first search, breadth-first search, and bit full search? If you are interested, please follow the link. It's a little practice period, so after practicing these searches, I hope I can study DP and Dijkstra as well. Thank you for your relationship. Well then.
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