[Sakura Rental Server] (For beginners) How to build an environment for Python, pyenv, and Flask. | For csh

I wanted to create a Flask environment on the Sakura rental server (standard), but since sudo cannot be used and the default shell is cshell, I had to make some changes from the reference article on the web, so I had a difficult memorandum. (For beginners)

スクリーンショット 2015-05-17 12.23.02.png Sakura rental server


--0. Confirmation of environment ―― 1. Build a python environment using pyenv ―― 2. Install flask using pip in the built python environment ―― 3. Set cgi and check the operation of Flask app.

0. Checking the environment

The user directory on the Sakura rental server is / home / /. (You can also access it at $ HOME / and ~ /)

How to access the user directory


$ cd /home/<username>/
$ cd $HOME
$ cd ~/
$ cd /home/fififactory/

After this, we will put the configuration under the user directory.

Check the location and version of Python installed by default


$ which python
$ python -V

Checking the shell


$ echo $SHELL

Here, bash and zsh people are outside the scope of this article.

1. Build a python environment using pyenv

Download pyenv

Since git can be used on the Sakura rental server, I will download it.

After practicing, I will write commands with a shell script. (It will be useful when you look back at it later. You can execute it by hitting the command directly, so I think that is fine for those who are troublesome)


#file name: pyenv-download.sh

#!/bin/csh   <-It is clearly stated that it will work with cshell.
git clone https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv.git ~/.pyenv

This command tells you to use git to save the pyenv repository in the ~ / .pyenv folder from https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv.git.

Then save the shell script (pyenv-download.sh) in your user directory and run the shell.


#Add execute permission.
$ chmod 755 pyenv-download.sh
#Run shell script
$ ~/pyenv-download.sh

Install pyenv

Now that you have downloaded pyenv, it's time to install it.



# $FreeBSD: src/share/skel/dot.cshrc,v 2008/11/25 02:59:29 kensmith Exp $
# .cshrc - csh resource script, read at beginning of execution by each shell
# see also csh(1), environ(7).

(Enter at the end)

# Setting for pyenv
# *****************
if ( -e $HOME/.pyenv/bin/pyenv ) then
        echo '>> Exist pyenv'
        #Set the root path of pyenv
        setenv PYENV_ROOT $HOME/.pyenv
        #Add pyenv directory to PATH
        setenv PATH $PYENV_ROOT/shims:$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH
        #The default temporary directory~/Change to tmp
        setenv TMPDIR $HOME/tmp
        #Restart pyenv
        pyenv rehash
        echo '>> NO INSTALL pyenv'


This command uses an if statement to condition if $ HOME / .pyenv / bin / pyenv exists. And when pyenv exists, it goes through the directory and path settings. (TMDIR may not need to be included in the if statement.)

Relaunch the C shell.

I rewrote the shell, so let me read it again.


$ source $HOME/.cshrc

Now, let's build a python environment using pyenv.

Build a python environment with pyenv.

First, download the version of python to use. The command is pyenv install.


$ pyenv install --list  #Check the installation list
$ pyenv install 2.7.9   # python2.7.Install 9

However, this is not yet usable. Only that version of python is prepared in the pyenv directory.

Since pyenv manages the environment for each directory, create a directory in an appropriate location.


#Create a directory for the virtual environment(Location is arbitrary)
$ mkdir $HOME/tmp/python
$ cd $HOME/tmp/python

Check the path and version of python at that time.


$ which python           #Check the current python
$ pyton -V

It should come out for the above. Make sure you still keep Sakura's defaults.


$ pyenv local 2.7.9      #Build local python
$ pyenv local       #Check if it is set


$ whitch python
$ python -V

Now you can see that python is specified in / shims / python in pyenv. This is what I put in the path in .cshrc. So it's stuck if the .cshrc path setting isn't working. (I got stuck)

Python environment construction completed

2. Install flask using pip

Now that you can use pip thanks to pyenv, let's put flask in the local python environment.

First, create an environment for Flask with virtualenv.


$ git clone https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv-virtualenv.git ~/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.4.2 3.4.2-flask

As an environment based on python version 3.4.2, I created a virtual environment named 3.4.2-flask (name is arbitrary).

Install Flask with pip. As before, move to the directory where you want to set the environment and type the following command.


$ pyenv local 3.4.2-flask
$ pip install Flask

If you have Flask in your pip list, you're done.

3. Set cgi and check the operation of Flask app

Prepare a directory for access test under the www directory of the user directory.


mkdir ~/www/flask-cgi-test
mkdir ~/www/flask-cgi-test/hello
cd ~/www/flask-cgi-test/hello

Prepare three files under the / hello / directory.

(1) .htaccess


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /flask-cgi-test/hello/index.cgi/$1 [QSA,L]

(2) appFlask.py


# coding: utf-8

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "Hello!"

if __name__ == '__main__':

(3) index.cgi



import cgitb

from wsgiref.handlers import CGIHandler
from appFlask import app

Access http: //<username>.sakura.ne.jp/flask-cgi-test/hello

スクリーンショット 2015-05-17 12.04.35.png

If hello appears, it is successful.


When I tried to make a web application, I was enthusiastically registering with Sakura and trying to run Flask, but unlike the local environment, I could not use sudo or install it without administrator privileges. It took about 4 days just to move this article. The thing I was most addicted to was that I didn't really understand the shell script and it was too late to notice that the default shell was chs. This is a memorandum for beginners, but I posted it with the hope that it would be of some help to those who are also addicted to building an environment. If you make a mistake, please comment.

Thank you for visiting.


[.cshrc --csh, tcsh settings](http://technique.sonots.com/?UNIX%2F%E8%A8%AD%E5%AE%9A%E3%80%81%E8%A8%AD% E5% AE% 9A% E3% 83% 95% E3% 82% A1% E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% AB% 2F.cshrc)

Use pyenv and Flask on Sakura rental server

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