[Python] Start diary from today Atcorder ABC058-B

I will start my diary from today!

For dissemination of learning and memorandum for myself. I will do my best to make it a useful diary for other people.

For the time being, the goal is to become AtCorder light blue within 3 months! I will write down the past questions that I learned.

Click here for the first question to commemorate.


For the time being, I was able to get AC on my own, but since I wrote the code, something was dirty. .. ..


Check out the smart answers here. image.png

If there are more odd-numbered characters than even-numbered characters, insert whitespace characters in advance. Also get to learn about the optional argument "end". Since the default is a newline character, I learned that you can concatenate and output characters even if you use a for statement by explicitly setting "".

I want to cure the habit of using only the list. .. ..

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