It turns out that the full search is more difficult than the range. I thought there was some kind of law, but I couldn't solve it.
The point of this problem is
Notice that the $ A × N + B × d (N) $ circle has linearity
Notice that binary search can solve linear problems Is.
is self-explanatory.
You have to be aware that ascending sorted arrays are synonymous with linear functions
I didn't understand 2.
A , B , X = map(int,input().split())
ans = 10**9 // 2
diff = ans
digit_ans = len(str(ans))
while not A * ans + B * digit_ans <= X < A * (ans+1) + B * len(str(ans+1)):
diff = max(diff // 2 , 1)
if A * ans + B * digit_ans > X:
ans -= diff
ans += diff
digit_ans = len(str(ans))
if ans >= 10 ** 9:
elif ans <= 0:
D It can be solved by defining one route and coloring other than the color used. Greedy algorithm. When I tried to do the color scheme and searched with a two-dimensional list, TLE. Is it a memory problem because it was solved by using the dictionary type? It is thought that. (The big comment out in the middle is the remnants of the two-dimensional list specification)
from collections import deque
#Input, initialization
N = int(input())
tree = [[] for _ in range(N)]
input_list = []
for _ in range(N - 1):
a, b = map(int, input().split())
a, b = a - 1, b - 1
input_list.append([a, b])
#Store node color in visited
# visited_edge = [[0] * N for _ in range(N)]
dict = {}
#Color with bfs
def bfs(now_node, max_val=0):
queue = deque([[tree[now_node], -1, now_node]])
while queue:
next_nodes, before_color, now_node = queue.pop()
now_color = 1
for next_node in next_nodes:
if visited_edge[now_node][next_node] != 0:
if now_color == before_color:
now_color += 1
if max_val < now_color:
max_val = now_color
visited_edge[next_node][now_node] = now_color
visited_edge[now_node][next_node] = now_color
queue.appendleft([tree[next_node], now_color, next_node])
now_color += 1
return max_val
def bfs(now_node, max_val=0):
queue = deque([[tree[now_node], -1, now_node]])
while queue:
next_nodes, before_color, now_node = queue.pop()
now_color = 1
for next_node in next_nodes:
key = tuple(sorted([now_node, next_node]))
if not dict.get(key) is None:
if now_color == before_color:
now_color += 1
if max_val < now_color:
max_val = now_color
dict[key] = now_color
# visited_edge[now_node][next_node] = now_color
queue.appendleft([tree[next_node], now_color, next_node])
now_color += 1
return max_val
ans = bfs(0)
for a, b in input_list:
# print(visited_edge[a][b])
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