[PYTHON] AtCoder Beginner Contest 169 Participation Report

AtCoder Beginner Contest 169 Participation Report

ABC169A - Multiplication 1

Break through in a minute and a half. Just write. It took a lot of time because the code test wasn't executed easily.

A, B = map(int, input().split())

print(A * B)

ABC169B - Multiplication 2

Break through in 3 minutes. It's a problem that even 64-bit integers overflow, but it's easy because you don't have to think about anything in Python. Don't forget to sort to start with 0 OK!

N = int(input())
A = list(map(int, input().split()))

limit = 10 ** 18
result = A[0]
for a in A[1:]:
    result *= a
    if result > limit:

ABC169C - Multiplication 3

Break through in 3 minutes. The moment I saw A ≤ 10 15 </ sup>, I realized that it was double, so I escaped to decimal. (10 15 </ sup> is 10 > 3 </ sup> ≒ 2 10 </ sup> So, roughly ≒ 2 50 </ sup>, so it is close to the 52bit immutable part of double, and you can see that it is an act to overflow it. .)

from decimal import Decimal

A, B = map(Decimal, input().split())

print(int(A * B))

ABC169D - Div Game

It broke through in 22 and a half minutes, WA1. I thought I would stick the Eratosthenes sieve for the time being, but I couldn't stick it because N ≤ 10 12 </ sup>, so I started by changing to the processing up to sqrt (N). I enumerated p e </ sup> in, and when I divided it in the order of pounding and processed the remaining values, I failed and got WA, but maybe this code is also a lie. (Remains properly) Does it seem like you have to check if it's a prime number?)

from math import sqrt

N = int(input())

rn = int(sqrt(N))
sieve = [0] * (rn + 1)
sieve[0] = -1
sieve[1] = -1
t = [0] * (rn + 1)
for i in range(2, rn + 1):
    if sieve[i] != 0:
    sieve[i] = i
    j = i
    while j < rn + 1:
        t[j] = 1
        j *= i
    for j in range(i * i, rn + 1, i):
        if sieve[j] == 0:
            sieve[j] = i

result = 0
last = -1
for i in range(2, rn + 1):
    if t[i] == 0:
    if N % i == 0:
        result += 1
        N //= i
        last = i
if N != 1 and N > rn:
    result += 1

Addendum: I could write more quickly using the prime factorization function I wrote earlier. Failure.

def prime_factorize(n):
    result = []
    if n % 2 == 0:
        t = 0
        while n % 2 == 0:
            n //= 2
            t += 1
        result.append((2, t))
    for i in range(3, int(n ** 0.5) + 1, 2):
        if n % i != 0:
        t = 0
        while n % i == 0:
            n //= i
            t += 1
        result.append((i, t))
        if n == 1:
    if n != 1:
        result.append((n, 1))
    return result

N = int(input())

result = 0
for p, e in prime_factorize(N):
    i = 1
    while e >= i:
        result += 1
        e -= i
        i += 1

ABC169E - Count Median

I couldn't break through. I was thinking for over an hour, but the more I think about it, the more difficult it is.

PS: I thought there was a possible median between the median of A i </ sub> and B i </ sub> during the contest, but I'm sure they are all. I couldn't get it. However, it may have been necessary to be prepared to pop it out with a rotten reading. With yukicoder, I throw it hoihoi because there is no pena (laugh). If you start with> i </ sub> starting with A i </ sub> and increase any of them by 1, the median will not increase or increase by 1 (or even 0.5 could be 0.5). I can understand that it is true ...

N = int(input())
A = [None] * N
B = [None] * N
for i in range(N):
    a, b = map(int, input().split())
    A[i] = a
    B[i] = b


if N % 2 == 0:
    b = (B[N // 2] + B[(N - 1) // 2]) / 2
    a = (A[N // 2] + A[(N - 1) // 2]) / 2
    print(int((b - a) * 2 + 1))
    print(B[N // 2] - A[N // 2] + 1)

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