[PYTHON] AtCoder Beginner Contest 171 Participation Report

AtCoder Beginner Contest 171 Participation Report

I finished the E problem in 20 minutes, and I thought that this was the first completeness !? I was supposed to watch for 80 minutes.

ABC171A - αlphabet

Break through in one and a half minutes. Just write.

A = input()

if A.isupper():

ABC171B - Mix Juice

Break through in one and a half minutes. Just write. Isn't it rare that sort appears in B problem?

N, K = map(int, input().split())
p = list(map(int, input().split()))


ABC171C - One Quadrillion and One Dalmatians

It broke through in 5 and a half minutes. I had written a bidirectional conversion of EXCEL column names and numbers in the past, so I pulled it out and dropped it in Python.

N = int(input())

t = []
while N > 0:
    N -= 1
    t.append(chr(N % 26 + ord('a')))
    N //= 26

ABC171D - Replacing

Break through in 6 minutes. I remembered last week's ABC170E --Count Median. Looping the operation of subtracting the current value and adding the new value Is similar. If you calculate the total value for each loop, it will be * O * (* NQ ), but the amount of calculation will be * O * ( N * + * Q *) by subtracting and adding. ) Can be solved.

from sys import stdin
readline = stdin.readline

N = int(readline())
A = list(map(int, readline().split()))
Q = int(readline())

t = [0] * (10 ** 5 + 1)
s = sum(A)
for a in A:
    t[a] += 1

for _ in range(Q):
    B, C = map(int, readline().split())
    s -= B * t[B]
    s += C * t[B]
    t[C] += t[B]
    t[B] = 0

ABC171E - Red Scarf

It broke through in 5 minutes. It was too easy at first glance, and I thought it was a misreading for a moment. From the characteristics of xor, I know that I will come out if I xor all xor other than myself and all xor including myself. And you can see that if you xor all a, you can do all xor including yourself.

N = int(input())
a = list(map(int, input().split()))

t = 0
for e in a:
    t ^= e

print(*[e ^ t for e in a])

ABC171F - Strivore

I don't know at all. Thank you very much. Even if I insert one o in the oof of the input example, it doubles three, but I can't think of how to remove this duplication.

Postscript: I implemented it according to the explanation video. I posted it without thinking and became TLE, but I was asked, but since I made a table of 10 12 </ sup>, of course I mean, don't pass PyPy well, even though it's barely possible, this .... However, the mjd feeling at the moment when I heard the explanation that both abc and aaa are actually the same. The experience value gained from this problem was amazing. I think it was expensive.

K = int(input())
S = input()

m = 1000000007

def make_factorial_table(n):
    result = [0] * (n + 1)
    result[0] = 1
    for i in range(1, n + 1):
        result[i] = result[i - 1] * i % m
    return result

def mcomb(n, k):
    if n == 0 and k == 0:
        return 1
    if n < k or k < 0:
        return 0
    return fac[n] * pow(fac[n - k], m - 2, m) * pow(fac[k], m - 2, m) % m

fac = make_factorial_table(len(S) - 1 + K)

result = 0
for i in range(K + 1):
    result += pow(26, i, m) * mcomb(len(S) - 1 + K - i, len(S) - 1) * pow(25, K - i, m)
    result %= m

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