[PYTHON] Scraping the list of Go To EAT member stores in Niigata prefecture and converting it to CSV

Was released last time

Convert PDF of list of Go To EAT member stores in Niigata prefecture to CSV https://qiita.com/barobaro/items/74fb5bdedbf1ae7267a0

Can't find PDF, so scrape to create a list


import re
import time

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = "https://niigata-gte.com/shop/"

headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"

result = []

while True:

    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser")

    for shop in soup.select("div#result > div.cont"):

        data = {}

        data["Dealer code"] = (
            shop.select_one("div.no").get_text(strip=True).split(":", 1)[-1]

        span = shop.select("div.tag > span")

        data["area"] = span[0].get_text(strip=True)
        data["Genre"] = span[1].get_text(strip=True)

        if len(span) > 2:
            temp = {i.get("alt"): "○" for i in span[2].select("img")}

        h4 = shop.select_one("h4")

        data["Store name"] = h4.get_text(strip=True)

        if h4.select_one("a"):

            link = h4.a.get("href")

            if link:
                data["home page"] = link

        p_add = shop.select_one("p.add").contents

        postcode, address = p_add[0].split(sep=None, maxsplit=1)

        #Extract latitude / longitude from google map link
        gps = re.search(r"(?<=@)(.+?),(.+?)(?=,\d{1,2}z)", p_add[1].a.get("href"))

        if gps:
            data["latitude"] = float(gps.group(1))
            data["longitude"] = float(gps.group(2))

        data["Postal code"] = postcode.strip()
        data["location"] = address.strip()

        data["phone number"] = shop.select_one("p.tel").get_text(strip=True)


    tag = soup.select_one("li.next")

    if tag:

        m = re.search("https://niigata-gte.com/shop/page/\d+/", tag.a.get("onclick"))

        if m:
            url = m.group(0)




Convert to CSV

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(result)

df.index += 1

df.to_csv("niigata.csv", encoding="utf_8_sig")

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