Procedure from virtual machine creation to login.
Created with ESXi.
compatibility | Guest OS family | Guest OS version |
ESXi6.7 virtual machine | Linux | CentOS8 |
CPU | memory | hard disk | Provisioning |
1 | 2GB | 16GB | Thin provisioning |
When I turned on the virtual machine I created, an installation menu appeared on the console. The monochrome screen is cool.
By default, the second from the top is selected, but since the first is faster, select "* Install CentOS Linux 8 *" at the top.
After that, when I was looking at the screen, a lot of green [OK] was flowing. I'm glad it looks like OK.
Next is the language setting. I'm Japanese, so I chose Japanese.
After that, a screen called Installation Overview appeared.
This is the screen after setting, so I will write below how it was set.
There are three setting items.
It will be a virtual machine that is quite different from what I thought I made a mistake here. (I did it many times)
This time I want to create a CUI server, so I chose "minimal installation".
After selecting, click [Finish] on the upper left to return to the original screen.
I wasn't particular about it this time, so keep the default.
I feel like I don't have to do it. I was curious, so I set it to Tokyo for the time being.
After setting (1) to (3), click [Start Installation] at the bottom right.
At this point, the goal is right in front of you.
Set the root password while watching the progress blue bar grow quickly with warm eyes.
When the blue bar is fully extended, the [Restart] button will appear, so click it.
It is important not to be afraid even if the power is suddenly turned off.
After restarting, this screen appeared. Select the top.
After waiting for a while, the login screen appeared.
User : root
Yay! I was able to log in!
I will summarize the initial settings after this in another post.
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