[PYTHON] Build a PYNQ environment on Ultra96 V2 and log in to Jupyter Notebook


Try to hardware the logic with Ultra96 v2. First, create a PYNQ environment on Ultra V2 and access it with SSH and Jupyter Notebook.

First, an overview of the Xilinx processor. -> Xilinx Product Information

Getting started just uses the CPU and doesn't seem to do anything like FPGA. .. When I investigated the method, hoping that FPGA could be used, it seems that there are the following methods.




Open the PYNQ --boards info page.

Download Avnet Ultra96-V2: v2.5 PYNQ image (1,790,291,697 bytes) from Community boards. The download is very slow. I read the documents while I was waiting.

When unfolded, it looks like this.

$ unzip ultra96v2_v2.5.zip
$ ls -l ultra96*
-rw-r--r--1 root root 6604447744 October 12 17:38 ultra96v2_v2.5.img
-rw-r--r--1 root root 1790291697 December 22 21:54 ultra96v2_v2.5.zip


--Write to SD card

$ sudo dd if=ultra96v2_v2.5.img of=/dev/sdc bs=1MB
6604+1 record input
6604+1 record output
6604447744 bytes (6.6 GB, 6.2 GiB) copied, 502.998 s, 13.1 MB/s

Insert and remove the SD card and mount the SD card. The mount destination is going to be / media / user / root /.

--WiFi settings

$ wpa_passphrase your_ssid
  # psk="passphrase"
$ sudo vi /media/user/root/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
$ sudo vi /media/user/root/etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0
auto wlan0 # <--Added to the first line
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wireless_mode managed
    wireless_essid any
    wpa-driver wext
    wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

Reference: Technooooootes --Move PYNQ image with Ultra96v2

Insert the SD card and turn on the power switch (SW4).


Check the DHCP server log to see the IP address of the unfamiliar MAC address. Ours was "F8: F0: 05: xx: xx: xx".

$ ssh xilinx@<ip address>
[email protected].***.***'s password: 
Welcome to PYNQ Linux, based on Ubuntu 18.04 (GNU/Linux 4.19.0-xilinx-v2019.1 aarch64)

Last login: Sat Oct 12 01:30:36 2019
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.



--Access Jupyter Notebook

Access the following with your browser.

 http://<ip address>/


Enter xilinx in the password field to log in.

--Sample code

Run and read the sample code.


You have successfully accessed your Jupyter Notebook! There was no problem with a 16 GB SD card, but it seems that it did not burn well with a 32 GB SD card.


-Qiita --1st Setup PYNQ-Z1

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