[LINUX] Build a LAMP environment in a very short time

Java installation

Use Java to run the tool Download from here Unzip Creating environment variables Name: JAVA_HOME Value: Path of the unzipped folder Modify environment variables Name: PATH Value: Add the bin folder in the unzipped folder Installation complete

VirtualBox installation

VirtualBox Download Run the installer Installation complete When using VirtualBox on Windows, enable the virtualization support function (VT-x / AMD-V) from the BIOS. Disable Hyper-V

Install Vagrant

Vagrant Download Run the installer Installation complete

Tool download

Download from here Unzip

File sharing settings with virtual environment

The unzipped tools are as follows

|-- run_sample-master
|   |-- docs
|   |-- fairysupport_run
|   |-- synced_folder
|   `-- vagrant

Install vbguest plugin Double-click vagrant_plugin_vbguest.bat in the vagrant folder Done

Start Vagrant

Double-click vagrant_up.bat in the vagrant folder

Startup complete

LAMP environment construction

Double-click run_quick_lamp.bat in the fairysupport_run folder

Construction completed

File sharing confirmation

If you look in synced_folder \ vm1 in the folder created by unzipping the tool, you can see that the files in the / var / www / html directory in the virtual environment are included.

ssh connection

I will try to connect to the built LAMP environment with PuTTY Launch puttygen a.png Click Conversions → Import key run_sample-master\vagrant\.vagrant\machines\vm1\virtualbox\private_key choose b.png Click Save private key Save as private_key.ppk c.png

Start PuTTY e.png

Click Authentication → Browse Select private_key.ppk created with puttygen earlier f.png

Click session Host name: Port: 2230 Session name: 2230 Enter Click save g.png Click Open to connect h.png Login as vagrant user i.png

PHP installation confirmation

php -v Enter j.png

MySQL installation confirmation

mysql -uroot -ppass@123word Enter k.png

Apache installation confirmation

http://localhost:8080/index.php Access from a browser Make sure it is displayed correctly

Tools used

LAMP environment construction is complete This time, I built it using a tool called fairysupport run. This tool allows you to run the same shell on multiple servers (you can use it on just one server) The sample of the tool used is a sample that pokes 2 LAMP environments So if you look at the VirtualBox manager you see two vms running This work created two LAMP environments If you only need one locally (1) Modify the vagrant \ Vagrantfile file in the folder created by unzipping the tool   config.vm.define :vm2 do |server|Comment from to end (2) Modify the fairysupport_run \ server.properties.local file in the folder created by unzipping the tool. Comment out the part that starts with server2 If you perform (1) and (2), LAMP will be built only for one server.

Also, if you modify the contents of the fairysupport_run \ server.properties.local file in the folder created by unzipping the tool, you can build the same LAMP environment for any server as this time.

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