[PYTHON] Linear Programming with PuLP

I'm studying nonlinear programming to understand the kernel and so on. Before that, I wanted to actually move my hands with linear programming, so I tried using PuLP, which can be used free of charge.

This time, I solved the example in Chapter 6 of “Optimization Mathematics You Can Understand”, Linear Programming.

There are several similar examples, so I picked them up and modeled them with PuLP.

Example 6.2

Use machines M1 and M2 to make two types of containers A and B. You need to use M1 for 2 minutes and machine M2 for 4 minutes to make one container A. On the other hand, make one container B. However, it is necessary to use machine M1 for 8 minutes and machine M2 for 4 minutes. The profits for making containers A and B are 29 yen and 45 yen, respectively. How to plan to maximize the profits Should I do it?

When the profit is modeled by asking the objective function f and the number of containers by asking x and y, respectively, the formula is as follows. Constraints: 2x + 8y <= 60 4x + 4y <= 60 x >= 0, y >= 0

Objective function: f = 29x + 45y → max

So, below is the code that can solve these formulas by plunging them into PuLP. Since the number of containers is calculated this time, the solution is an integer and the variable is specified by Integer.

#Creat variables
x = pulp.LpVariable("x", cat = "Integer")
y = pulp.LpVariable("y", cat = "Integer")

#Create object function
problem = pulp.LpProblem("Container", pulp.LpMaximize)
problem += 29*x + 45*y  #(6.6)

#constrained condition
problem += 2*x + 8*y <= 60 #(6.4)
problem += 4*x + 4*y <= 60 #(6.4)
problem += x >= 0 #(6.5)
problem += y >= 0 #(6.5)

status = problem.solve()
print "Status", pulp.LpStatus[status]

print problem

print "Result"
print "x", x.value()
print "y", y.value()

Result is,

Status Optimal
29*x + 45*y + 0
_C1: 2 x + 8 y <= 60
_C2: 4 x + 4 y <= 60
_C3: x >= 0
_C4: y >= 0

x free Integer
y free Integer

x 10.0
y 5.0

Example 6.3

Two types of alloys A and B are made using two types of metals M1 and M2. Alloys A and B have a profit of 30,000 yen and 25,000 yen per ton, respectively. Alloy A mixes metals M1 and M2 in a ratio of 1: 1 and alloy B mixes metals M1 and M2 in a ratio of 1: 3. Metals M1 and M2 can be supplied at 10 tonnes and 15 tonnes per day, respectively. How to plan to make alloys A and B to maximize profits.

When modeled, Constraints: 0.5x + 0.25y <= 10 0.5x + 0.75y <= 15 x >= 0, y >= 0

Objective function: f = 30x + 25y → max

This time, in coding, the solution is a continuous value, so the variable is specified as Continuous.

#Creat variables
x = pulp.LpVariable("x", cat = "Continuous")
y = pulp.LpVariable("y", cat = "Continuous")

#Create object function
problem = pulp.LpProblem("Alloy", pulp.LpMaximize)
problem += 30*x + 25*y  #(6.9)

#constrained condition
problem += 0.5*x + 0.25*y <= 10 #(6.7)
problem += 0.5*x + 0.75*y <= 15 #(6.7)
problem += x >= 0 #(6.8)
problem += y >= 0 #(6.8)

status = problem.solve()
print "Status", pulp.LpStatus[status]

print problem

print "Result"
print "x", x.value()
print "y", y.value()

Result is,

Status Optimal
30*x + 25*y + 0
_C1: 0.5 x + 0.25 y <= 10
_C2: 0.5 x + 0.75 y <= 15
_C3: x >= 0
_C4: y >= 0

x free Continuous
y free Continuous

x 15.0
y 10.0

Example 6.7

If the objective function diverges and the optimal solution does not exist as in this example, "Status Unbounded" is displayed as shown below.

Constraints: -x - y <= -1 -2x + y <= 1 x - 2y <= 1 x >= 0, y >= 0

Objective function: f = x + y → max

#Creat variables
a = pulp.LpVariable("a", cat = "Continuous")
b = pulp.LpVariable("b", cat = "Continuous")

#Create object function
problem = pulp.LpProblem("Test", pulp.LpMaximize)
problem += a + b  #(6.16)

#constrained condition
problem += -a - b <= -2 #(6.14)
problem += -2*a + b <= 15 #(6.14)
problem += a - 2*b <= 15 #(6.14)
problem += a >= 0 #(6.15)
problem += b >= 0 #(6.15)

status = problem.solve()
print "Status", pulp.LpStatus[status]

print problem

Status Unbounded

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