Load an external jar from a Spring Boot fat jar

The fat jar of Spring Boot contains the jar of the dependent library, but I will describe how to load the external jar at runtime.

It is not often used, but it is used when the library provides different jars for each environment.


Setting method

By default, JarLauncher is used to launch the Executable Jar, and it goes underBOOT-INF / lib /in the jar. Use PropertiesLauncher instead to change the classpath etc. at runtime.

build.gradle settings

bootJar {
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher'

Specifying loader.path

Specify the classpath you want to add with the loader.path property. The environment variable LOADER_PATH may be used. Thankfully, you can also specify a directory and it will recursively scan the jar or zip file.

export LOADER_PATH=/develop
java -jar app.jar


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