There is Linux.

Today I'm going to write about some Linux. Linux Advent Calendar 2020 It is the 21st day.

Somehow I wasn't feeling well and I slept until a while ago. I have just eaten.

I have Linux. Other than this, it is mostly in the RHES system.

No latest version of scripting language

This was the most troublesome. Even if I want to build with PHP7, there is only PHP5 series. Add repositories. What I put in the end of the story conflicted and did not work. This was terrible on Amazon Linux. That was a typical Linux distribution that I thought was the worst and oldest one would work steadily. I didn't quit RHES because I didn't like it.

Ubuntu is generally used for hardware.

This is it. Why did I quit RHES and move to Ubuntu? Actually, I was in charge of building Linux for car electronics at that time. Yocto actually only worked on Ubuntu. Soon I decided to study Ubuntu. This is actually a nice day.

Ubuntu best

To be honest, Ubuntu is light in both commands and GUI. It was a turning point of switching that the VM environment and Ubuntu dentistry were not prepared. Honestly tired of wrestling with the additional piles of repositories, I didn't miss this opportunity to move on. Ubuntu is easier now. It's easy to assemble, you can do various things, you can get new ones, and most of the development software running on Windows and Mac works. Moreover, with GUI.

Linux in the future

To be honest, it seems that Linus is worried about his physical condition and that he is sick of various things. To be honest, I think it's a little cute because Trump has driven this far. It's out of the question for such developers to get caught up in the immigration turmoil. Moreover, do you know that most supercomputers and proton computers in the United States and various countries use Linux as the OS? Trump who tried to crush this would be punished. It seems that Japanese people working in many American IT companies were also in trouble. I would like the next administration to try not to think like this anymore. May Linux be with Linus again.

I'm getting tired, so that's it for today.

Tomorrow is takeshi_se_tenshoku. What will you write? I'm looking forward to it. But I can't read most of the advent calendars (crying).

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