[Codeing interview] Implementation of enigma cryptographic machine (Python)


I implemented the Enigma encryption machine that Jun Sakai introduced on Youtube. The reason for doing this coding this time is that I wanted to refer to the syntax of people in Silicon Valley and practiced objective implementation.

Sakai's Youtube is [here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q½esrc=s&source=web&cd=1cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj45vTKnZPrAhVU_GEKHbb5C90QwqsBMAF6BAgKEAg&url=http .com% 2Fwatch% 3Fv% 3Dv1rUoMZRjoQ & usg = AOvVaw2IjXcPc1wjhqag1_kef6Ul). Also, it was interesting that Mr. Nakata of Oriental Radio explained about Enigma at Youtube University. = rja & uact = 8 & ved = 2ahUKEwiZs_uPnpPrAhVaPHAKHVqUCE0QwqsBMAB6BAgIEAQ & url = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.youtube.com% 2Fwatch% 3Fv% 3D4zIXv1w3d80 & usg = Av0


The coding method was very helpful, and it was a lot of fun to do in my spare time. I actually made it this time, but it is not enough to post it on Github, and it was a waste not to post it, so I posted it as an article on Qiita. The code I implemented first by myself was a little dirty, so please refer to it if you like because I will put the code I implemented below while watching Mr. Sakai's video.

file organization

The file structure is as follows. Define the model objectively in enigma.py and build the model in main.py.

    ├── enigma.py
    └── main.py

Enigma.py Create four classes: PlugBoard, Rotate, Reflector and Enigma. For details of each, I think you should refer to Mr. Sakai's Youtube or Wiki.


import string 

ALPHABET = string.ascii_uppercase

class PlugBoard(object):

    def __init__(self, map_alphabet):
        self.alphabet = ALPHABET
        self.forward_map = {}
        self.backward_map = {}

    def mapping(self, map_alphabet):
        self.forward_map = dict(zip(self.alphabet, map_alphabet))
        self.backward_map = {v: k for k , v in self.forward_map.items()}

    def forward(self, index_num):
        char = self.alphabet[index_num]
        char = self.forward_map[char]
        return self.alphabet.index(char)

    def backward(self, index_num):
        char = self.alphabet[index_num]
        char = self.backward_map[char]
        return self.alphabet.index(char)

class Rotor(PlugBoard):

    def __init__(self, map_alphabet, offset=0):
        self.offset = offset
        self.rotations = 0

    def rotate(self, offset=None):
        if offset is None:
            offset = self.offset
        self.alphabet = self.alphabet[offset:] + self.alphabet[:offset]
        self.rotations += offset
        return self.rotations

    def reset(self):
        self.rotationations = 0 
        self.alphabet = ALPHABET

class Reflector(object):

    def __init__(self, map_alphabet):
        self.map = dict(zip(ALPHABET, map_alphabet))
        for x, y in self.map.items():
            if x != self.map[y]:
                raise ValueError(x, y)

    def reflect(self, index_num):
        reflected_char = self.map[ALPHABET[index_num]]
        return ALPHABET.index(reflected_char)

class Enigam(object):

    def __init__(self, plug_board, rotors, reflector):
        self.plug_board = plug_board
        self.rotors = rotors
        self.reflector = reflector

    def encrypt(self, text):
        return ''.join([self.go_through(c) for c in list(text)])

    def decrypt(self, text):
        for rotor in self.rotors:
        return ''.join([self.go_through(c) for c in list(text)])

    def go_through(self, char):
        char = char.upper()
        if char not in ALPHABET:
            return char

        index_num = ALPHABET.index(char)
        index_num = self.plug_board.forward(index_num)

        for rotor in self.rotors:
            index_num = rotor.forward(index_num)

        index_num = self.reflector.reflect(index_num)

        for rotor in reversed(self.rotors):
            index_num = rotor.backward(index_num)

        index_num = self.plug_board.backward(index_num)
        char = ALPHABET[index_num]

        for rotor in reversed(self.rotors):
            if rotor.rotate() % len(ALPHABET) != 0:

        return char



import random
from enigma import PlugBoard, ALPHABET, Rotor, Reflector, Enigam

if __name__ == '__main__':
    get_random_alphabet = lambda : ''.join(
            random.sample(ALPHABET, len(ALPHABET)))

    p = PlugBoard(get_random_alphabet())
    r1 = Rotor(get_random_alphabet(), 3)
    r2 = Rotor(get_random_alphabet(), 2)
    r3 = Rotor(get_random_alphabet(), 1)

    # reflected alphabets list for the Rflection
    r = list(ALPHABET)
    indexes = [i for i in range(len(ALPHABET))]
    for _ in range(int(len(indexes)/2)):
        x = indexes.pop(random.randint(0, len(indexes)-1))
        y = indexes.pop(random.randint(0, len(indexes)-1))
        r[x], r[y] = r[y], r[x]

    reflector = Reflector(''.join(r))

    # Define Enigam
    machine = Enigam(
    p, [r1, r2, r3], reflector)
    text = 'PYTHON'
    encrypted = machine.encrypt(text)
    decrypted = machine.decrypt(encrypted)

    print(f'      Text     :  {text}')      #       Text     :  PYTHON
    print(f'Encrypted text : {encrypted}')  # Encrypted text : TDZXZS
    print(f'Decrypted text : {decrypted}')  # Decrypted text : PYTH


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