I posted an article with the same content the other day, but I fell asleep and deleted it. I'm sorry.
This time, I implemented a quantum Boltzmann machine using Qiskit. The reference paper is here. A quantum algorithm to train neural networks using low-depth circuits Also, the Boltzmann machine using quantum annealing machine is introduced in the article by Mr. minato, so I would like to leave it to that. RBM Boltzmann learning from D-Wave to quantum gate machine
The restricted Boltzmann machine is said to be the smallest unit of a neural network. By the way, the author is not an expert in machine learning, so I will leave the detailed explanation to others.
In this paper, it is introduced as Quantum Approximate Boltzmann Machine (QABoM) Algorithm. I don't have time to go into the details, so I would like to introduce the flow of QABoM introduced in Appendix.
The index to be used is as follows. ・ V: visible layer ・ H: hidden layer ・ U: visible + hidden layer
step 0
Define the full and partial initial Hamiltonians.
H_I = \sum_{j \in u} Z_j \\
H_{\tilde{I}} = \sum_{j \in h} Z_j
Looking at the formula, full is about visible + hidden, and partial is about hidden. next Define the full and partial mixer Hamiltonians.
H_M = \sum_{j \in u} X_j \\
H_{\tilde{M}} = \sum_{j \in h} X_j
Define weight $ J_ {jk} ^ 0 $ and bias $ B_j ^ 0 $, which are variables of the Boltzmann machine. Repeat steps 1 to 5 shown below for epoch 1 and above.
step 1
We define full cost Hamiltonian and partial cost Hamiltonian in epoch n.
\hat{H}_C^n = \sum_{j,k \in u} J_{jk}^n \hat{Z}_j \hat{Z}_k + \sum_{j \in u} B_j^n \hat{Z}_j \\
\hat{H}_{\tilde{C}}^n = \sum_{j,k \in u} J_{jk}^n \hat{Z}_j \hat{Z}_k + \sum_{j \in h} B_j^n \hat{Z}_j
step 2 Unclamped Thermalization
QAOA is executed using the formulas defined in step 0 and step 1.
Initialize pulse parameters-> $ \ gamma, \ beta $
Run QAOA using $ H_M $ and $ H_C $ (See other sites for QAOA commentary ...) Find the optimization parameter. Here, the expected value is calculated by $ \ hat {H} _C ^ n $.
Execute the parameter circuit with the optimum parameter entered, and find the expected values $ \ <Z_j Z_k> $ and $ \ <Z_j> $.
step 3 Clamped thermalization
For each data string $ x $
Initialize pulse parameters-> $ \ gamma, \ beta $
Encode $ x $ in the visible layer.
Run QAOA using $ H_M $ and $ H_C $ (See other sites for QAOA commentary ...) Find the optimization parameter. Here, the expected value is taken by $ \ hat {H} _ {\ tilde {C}} ^ n $.
Execute the parameter circuit with the optimum parameter entered, and find the expected values $ \ <Z_j Z_k> $ and $ \ <Z_j> $.
step 4
We will update the parameters. Where $ \ <\ bar {\ cdots}> _D $ is the average of the results of step 3.
\delta J_{jk}^n = <\bar{Z_j Z_k}>_D -< Z_j Z_k> \\
\delta B_j^n = < \bar{Z_j}> - <Z_j>_D \\
J_j^{n+1} = J_j^n + \delta J_j^n \\
B_j^{n+1} = B_j^n + \delta B_j^n
step 5
epoch = n+1 back to step 1
import and class initialization
# coding: utf-8
from qiskit.aqua.utils import tensorproduct
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister
from qiskit.quantum_info.analysis import average_data
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from QAOA import QAOA
from my_functions import sigmoid
class QBM:
def __init__(self, num_visible=2, num_hidden=1, steps=3,
tmep=1.0, quant_meas_num=None, bias=False, reduced=False):
self.visible_units = num_visible # v
self.hidden_units = num_hidden # h
self.total_units = self.visible_units + self.hidden_units
self.quant_meas_num = quant_meas_num
self.qaoa_steps = steps
self.beta_temp = tmep
self.state_prep_angle = np.arctan(np.exp(-1 / self.beta_temp)) * 2.0
self.param_wb = 0.1 * np.sqrt(6. / self.total_units)
self.WEIGHTS = np.asarray(np.zeros(shape=[self.visible_units, self.hidden_units]))
if bias:
self.BIAS = np.asarray(np.zeros(shape=[self.hidden_units]))
self.BIAS = None
self.reduced = reduced
self.obs = self.observable()
self.obs_tilde = self.observable(tilde=True)
self.data_point = None
Creating an observable. You can create $$ by setting tilde = True.
def Zi_Zj(self, q1, q2):
I_mat = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
Z_mat = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
if q1 == 0 or q2 == 0:
tensor = Z_mat
tensor = I_mat
for i in range(1, self.total_units):
if i == q1 or i == q2:
tensor = tensorproduct(tensor, Z_mat)
tensor = tensorproduct(tensor, I_mat)
return tensor
def Zi(self, q):
I_mat = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
Z_mat = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
if q == 0:
tensor = Z_mat
tensor = I_mat
for i in range(1, self.total_units):
if i == q:
tensor = tensorproduct(tensor, Z_mat)
tensor = tensorproduct(tensor, I_mat)
return tensor
def observable(self, tilde=False):
visible_indices = [i for i in range(self.visible_units)]
hidden_indices = [i + self.visible_units for i in range(self.hidden_units)]
total_indices = [i for i in range(self.total_units)]
obs = np.zeros((2**self.total_units, 2**self.total_units))
for q1 in visible_indices:
for q2 in hidden_indices:
obs += -1.0 * self.Zi_Zj(q1, q2)
if self.BIAS is not None:
if tilde:
for q in hidden_indices:
obs += -1.0 * self.Zi(q)
elif not tilde:
for q in total_indices:
obs += -1.0 * self.Zi(q)
return obs
Create the parameter circuit.
def U_circuit(self, params, qc):
visible_indices = [i for i in range(self.visible_units)]
hidden_indices = [i + self.visible_units for i in range(self.hidden_units)]
total_indices = [i for i in range(self.total_units)]
p = 2
alpha = self.state_prep_angle
for i in total_indices:
qc.rx(alpha, i)
for i in visible_indices:
for j in hidden_indices:
qc.cx(i, j)
beta, gamma = params[:p], params[p:]
def add_U_X(qc, beta):
for i in total_indices:
qc.rx(-2**beta, i)
return qc
def add_U_C(qc, gamma):
for q1 in visible_indices:
for q2 in hidden_indices:
qc.cx(q1, q2)
qc.rz(-2**gamma, q2)
qc.cx(q1, q2)
return qc
for i in range(p):
qc = add_U_C(qc, gamma[i])
qc = add_U_X(qc, beta[i])
return qc
Execute step 2.
def unclamped_circuit(self, params):
qr = QuantumRegister(self.total_units)
cr = ClassicalRegister(self.total_units)
qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
qc = self.U_circuit(params, qc)
qc.measure(range(self.total_units), range(self.total_units))
return qc
def make_unclamped_QAOA(self):
qaoa = QAOA(qc=self.unclamped_circuit, observable=self.obs, num_shots=10000, p=2)
counts = qaoa.qaoa_run()
return counts
I am using a self-made library called QAOA here, but I will introduce it below. Next is step 3. The difference from step 2 is that the data encode is included.
def clamped_circuit(self, params):
qr = QuantumRegister(self.total_units)
cr = ClassicalRegister(self.total_units)
qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
for i in range(len(self.data_point)):
if self.data_point[i] == 1:
qc = self.U_circuit(params, qc)
qc.measure(range(self.total_units), range(self.total_units))
return qc
def make_clamped_QAOA(self, data_point):
self.data_point = data_point
qaoa = QAOA(qc=self.clamped_circuit, observable=self.obs_tilde, num_shots=10000, p=2)
counts = qaoa.qaoa_run()
return counts
Finally, it is the execution of learning.
def train(self, DATA, learning_rate=1, n_epochs=100, quantum_percentage=1.0, classical_percentage=0.0):
assert (quantum_percentage + classical_percentage == 1.0)
DATA = np.asarray(DATA)
assert (len(DATA[0]) <= self.visible_units)
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
print('Epoch: {}'.format(epoch+1))
visible_indices = [i for i in range(self.visible_units)]
hidden_indices = [i + self.visible_units for i in range(self.hidden_units)]
total_indices = [i for i in range(self.total_units)]
new_weights = deepcopy(self.WEIGHTS)
if self.BIAS is not None:
new_bias = deepcopy(self.BIAS)
counts = self.make_unclamped_QAOA()
unc_neg_phase_quant = np.zeros_like(self.WEIGHTS)
for i in range(self.visible_units):
for j in range(self.hidden_units):
model_expectation = average_data(counts, self.Zi_Zj(visible_indices[i], hidden_indices[j]))
unc_neg_phase_quant[i][j] = model_expectation
unc_neg_phase_quant *= (1. / float(len(DATA)))
if self.BIAS is not None:
unc_neg_phase_quant_bias = np.zeros_like(self.BIAS)
for i in range(self.hidden_units):
model_expectation = average_data(counts, self.Zi(hidden_indices[i]))
unc_neg_phase_quant_bias[i] = model_expectation
unc_neg_phase_quant_bias *= (1. / float(len(DATA)))
pos_hidden_probs = sigmoid(np.dot(DATA, self.WEIGHTS))
pos_hidden_states = pos_hidden_probs > np.random.rand(len(DATA), self.hidden_units)
pos_phase_classical = np.dot(DATA.T, pos_hidden_probs) * 1. / len(DATA)
c_pos_phase_quant = np.zeros_like(self.WEIGHTS)
if self.BIAS is not None:
c_pos_phase_quant_bias = np.zeros_like(self.BIAS)
if not self.reduced:
iter_dat = len(DATA)
pro_size = len(DATA)
pro_step = 1
for data in DATA:
counts = self.make_clamped_QAOA(data)
ct_pos_phase_quant = np.zeros_like(self.WEIGHTS)
for i in range(self.visible_units):
for j in range(self.hidden_units):
model_expectation = average_data(counts, self.Zi_Zj(visible_indices[i], hidden_indices[j]))
ct_pos_phase_quant[i][j] = model_expectation
c_pos_phase_quant += ct_pos_phase_quant
if self.BIAS is not None:
ct_pos_phase_quant_bias = np.zeros_like(self.BIAS)
for i in range(self.hidden_units):
model_expectation = average_data(counts, self.Zi(hidden_indices[i]))
ct_pos_phase_quant_bias[i] = model_expectation
c_pos_phase_quant_bias *= ct_pos_phase_quant_bias
pro_bar = ('==' * pro_step) + ('--' * (pro_size - pro_step))
print('\r[{0}] {1}/{2}'.format(pro_bar, pro_step, pro_size), end='')
pro_step += 1
c_pos_phase_quant *= (1. / float(len(DATA)))
if self.BIAS is not None:
c_pos_phase_quant_bias *= (1. / float(len(DATA)))
neg_visible_activations = np.dot(pos_hidden_states, self.WEIGHTS.T)
neg_visible_probs = sigmoid(neg_visible_activations)
neg_hidden_activations = np.dot(neg_visible_probs, self.WEIGHTS)
neg_hidden_probs = sigmoid(neg_hidden_activations)
neg_phase_classical = np.dot(
neg_visible_probs.T, neg_hidden_probs) * 1. / len(DATA)
new_weights += learning_rate * \
(classical_percentage * (pos_phase_classical - neg_phase_classical) +
quantum_percentage * (c_pos_phase_quant - unc_neg_phase_quant))
if self.BIAS is not None:
new_bias = new_bias + learning_rate * \
(quantum_percentage * (c_pos_phase_quant_bias - unc_neg_phase_quant_bias))
self.WEIGHTS = deepcopy(new_weights)
if self.BIAS is not None:
self.BIAS = deepcopy(new_bias)
with open("RBM_info.txt", "w") as f:
np.savetxt(f, self.WEIGHTS)
if self.BIAS is not None:
np.savetxt(f, self.BIAS)
with open("RBM_history.txt", "a") as f:
np.savetxt(f, self.WEIGHTS)
if self.BIAS is not None:
np.savetxt(f, self.BIAS)
f.write(str('*' * 72) + '\n')
print("Training Done! ")
def transform(self, DATA):
return sigmoid(np.dot(DATA, self.WEIGHTS))
if __name__ == '__main__':
qbm = QBM(num_visible=6, num_hidden=2,bias=True)
train_data = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1], [1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1]]
qbm.train(DATA=train_data, n_epochs=100, quantum_percentage=1.0, classical_percentage=0.0)
The self-made library QAOA is a general-purpose extension of the code used in the previously introduced Implementation of QAOA without Qiskit Aqua.
# coding: utf-8
from qiskit import BasicAer, execute
from qiskit.quantum_info.analysis import average_data
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np
import random
def classica_minimize(cost_func, initial_params, options, method='powell'):
result = minimize(cost_func, initial_params, options=options, method=method)
return result.x
class QAOA:
def __init__(self, qc, observable, num_shots, p=1, initial_params=None):
self.QC = qc
self.obs = observable
self.SHOTS = num_shots
self.P = p
if initial_params is None:
self.initial_params = [0.1 for _ in range(self.P * 2)]
self.initial_params = initial_params
def QAOA_output_layer(self, params):
qc = self.QC(params)
backend = BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
results = execute(qc, backend, shots=self.SHOTS).result()
counts = results.get_counts(qc)
expectation = average_data(counts, self.obs)
return expectation
def minimize(self):
initial_params = np.array(self.initial_params)
opt_params = classica_minimize(self.QAOA_output_layer, initial_params,
options={'maxiter':500}, method='powell')
return opt_params
def qaoa_run(self):
opt_params = self.minimize()
qc = self.QC(opt_params)
backend = BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')
results = execute(qc, backend, shots=self.SHOTS).result()
counts = results.get_counts(qc)
return counts
if __name__ == '__main__':
This time, we conducted computer experiments using the same data on the classic restricted Boltzmann machine and compared them. Some of the classic restricted Boltzmann machines were implemented by another person, so I used them as a reference. Implementation of constraint Boltzmann machine with python
OS: macOS Catalina ver 10.15.5 CPU: intel Core i7 Memory: 16 GB
Learning rate: 0.2 epochs: 100
[[7.57147606e-220 4.69897282e-106]
[1.00548918e-308 1.00000000e+000]
[1.00000000e+000 3.79341879e-197]
[1.00000000e+000 7.56791638e-202]
[1.00000000e+000 2.85625356e-196]
[1.00000000e+000 2.51860403e-243]
[0.00000000e+000 1.00000000e+000]
[9.02745172e-142 1.00000000e+000]]
[[0.59991237 0.68602485]
[0.74497707 0.89553788]
[0.26436565 0.113528 ]
[0.2682931 0.1131361 ]
[0.58273232 0.3268427 ]
[0.41413436 0.14647751]
[0.74056361 0.94317095]
[0.7317069 0.8868639 ]]
By the way, this takes almost half a day to calculate. (I forgot to measure ...) For the time being, the same result as the classic RBM was obtained. However, the solution is not as clear as the classic one.
This time, I introduced the implementation of QABoM that was published in the paper. I think I'll do a little more computer experiments and update the article.
I'm sorry for my poor Japanese. We will strive to improve our language skills.
QABoM: A quantum algorithm to train neural networks using low-depth circuits RBM: Implementation of constraint Boltzmann machine with python
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