[Django3] Environment construction and various settings summary [Python3]


This is a summary of CLI commands, directory structure, and various settings required for system development with Django.

Django has a lot of official documentation, so if you have the time, check it out. I have a lot of Japanese! Django Official Documentation

System configuration

Django installation


#Create virtual environment
python -m venv venv

#Virtual environment activation

#Django installation
pip install django

Django CLI cheat sheet

Project creation


#In the current directory<Project Name>Create a directory and create a project in it
django-admin startproject <Project Name>

#Create a project directly under the current directory
django-admin startproject <Project Name> .

Application creation


python manage.py startapp <Application Name>

Start development server


# localhost:Start the development server on 8000
python manage.py runserver [<Port>]

Create administrative user


python manage.py createsuperuser

After executing the command, you will be prompted to enter your "user name", "email address", and "password". To log in to the management screen, access http: // localhost: 8000 / admin / after starting the development server.

Static file aggregation


python manage.py collectstatic

The static files are copied to the directory defined in STATIC_ROOT in \ /settings.py.


Creation of migration file


python manage.py makemigrations

Create a migration file that describes the changes to the database.

Migration execution


python manage.py migrate

Reflect the contents of the migration file in the database.

Django directory structure

<Project Name> ┬ venv                   #Virtual environment directory
               ├ static                 #Static file storage directory(※3)
               │ ├ css
               │ ├ js
               │ └ ...
               ├ templates              #Template storage directory(※1)
               │ ├ base.html            #Template base file
               │ └ <Application Name>
               │   └ ...                #Template file
               ├ <Project Name>         #Project directory
               │ ├ __init__.py
               │ ├ asgi.py
               │ ├ settings.py          #Project configuration file
               │ ├ urls.py              #Project routing definition file
               │ └ wsgi.py
               ├ <Application Name>     #Application directory
               │ ├ static               #Static file storage directory(※4)
               │ │ ├ css
               │ │ ├ js
               │ │ └ ...
               │ ├ migrations
               │ ├ templates            #Template storage directory(※2)
               │ │ └ ...                #Template file
               │ ├ __init__.py
               │ ├ admin.py             #Management site configuration file
               │ ├ apps.py              #Application configuration configuration file
               │ ├ forms.py             #Form definition file
               │ ├ models.py            #Model definition file
               │ ├ tests.py             #Test code description file
               │ ├ urls.py              #Application routing definition file
               │ └ views.py             #View definition file
               ├ manage.py              #Utility command execution file
               └ requirements.txt       #Package List

templates directory

--When creating directly under the project directory (* 1) --When creating directly under each application directory (* 2)

static directory

--Static directory directly under the project directory (* 3) --Stores static files for the entire project that are not tied to a specific application --Static directory directly under each application directory (* 4) --Stores static files associated with applications

Django project settings

Language and timezone


-- LANGUAGE_CODE = "en-us"

++ TIME_ZONE = "Asia/Tokyo"



   #For MySQL
--     "default": {
--         "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.sqlite3",
--         "NAME": os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "db.sqlite3"),
--     }
-- }
++     "default": {
++         "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.mysql",
++         "HOST": "",
++         "PORT": "3306",
++         "NAME": "<DB Name>",
++         "USER": "<User Name>",
++         "PASSWORD": "<Password>",
++     }
++ }

Application list


   #application When adding an application
++     "application.apps.ApplicationConfig",

After creating a new application, add the application to the project configuration file.

Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images, ...)



   #URL for static file delivery
   STATIC_URL = "/static/"

   #Static file storage directory that is not associated with a specific application
++     os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static"),
++ )

   #Directory where static files are aggregated by the collectstatic administration command during deployment
++ STATIC_ROOT = "/var/www/example.com/static/"

Define a static file storage directory in the project configuration file.



++ {% load static %}
   <!DOCTYPE html>
++     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'css/style.css' %}">

After loading the static tag at the top of the template file, you can then use the static tag to describe the static file with a relative path.

Django routing

When adding the routing to "https: // <example.jp> / application /", add to the project routing file and create or add the application routing file.



           "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
--         "DIRS": [],
++         "DIRS": [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "templates")],
           "APP_DIRS": True,
           "OPTIONS": {
               "context_processors": [

The above settings are required when creating a templates directory directly under the project directory. If you want to create a templates directory directly under each application directory, it's okay if "APP_DIRS" is True.


-- from django.urls import path
++ from django.urls import path, include

   urlpatterns = [
       path("admin/", admin.site.urls),
++     path("application/", include("application.urls")),

Describe the routing from the route (/). By using the include function, the routing process can be transferred to the application side.



++ from django.urls import path
++ from . import views

++ app_name = "application"
++ urlpatterns = [
++     path("", views.IndexViews.as_view(), name="index")
++ ]

The application directory created by the command does not include urls.py, so if you are routing the application for the first time, you will need to create it yourself.


-- from django.shortcuts import render
++ from django.views import generic

++ class IndexView(generic.TemplateView):
       #When creating a templates directory directly under the application directory
++     template_name = "index.html"   
       #When creating a templates directory directly under the project directory
++     template_name = "<Application Name>/index.html"

Associate the view with the template by storing the relative path of the template file starting from the templates directory in the template_name variable.

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