Well, only 90 degrees or 270 degrees are vertical, so I just write it.
N = int(input())
t = N % 360
if t == 90 or t == 270:
Since N ≤ 100, you only have to try all the combinations of the two points, so you don't have to worry about it. Of course, I forgot the equation of the straight line that passes through the two points, so I googled it. I used <0.0001
appropriately, but what should I do?
N = int(input())
XY = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(N)]
result = 0
for i in range(N):
for j in range(i + 1, N):
x1, y1 = XY[i]
x2, y2 = XY[j]
if x1 == x2:
result = max(result, len([None for x, y in XY if x == x1]))
t = 0
for k in range(N):
x, y = XY[k]
if abs((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1 - y) < 0.0001:
t += 1
result = max(result, t)
As you can see, it's a problem that can only be said to be Nibutan. For safety, if you change > 0.000001
to> 0.0000001
, the accuracy will be insufficient and it will be an infinite loop or TLE. Is_ok 10 ** 35 is coming out in the middle, but it's okay that Python is easy.
from math import log2
def is_ok(N):
return N * N <= Q * log2(N) * N + P
P, Q = map(int, input().split())
ok = 1
ng = 10 ** 18
while ng - ok > 0.000001:
m = (ok + ng) / 2
if is_ok(m):
ok = m
ng = m
For dry batteries and miniature bulbs, find the number of all combinations of total voltage and total resistance by DP. Since the resistance range can be obtained from A and B for each voltage, the number of combinations of that voltage * the combination of resistors in that range The answer is the sum of the numbers of resistors. The number of combinations of resistors in that range can be obtained by * O * (1) if the cumulative sum is calculated. Below, PyPy is a code that ACs without becoming TLE.
N, M = map(int, input().split())
V = list(map(int, input().split()))
R = list(map(int, input().split()))
A, B = map(int, input().split())
vt = {}
vt[0] = 1
for v in V:
nvt = vt.copy()
for k in vt:
nvt.setdefault(k + v, 0)
nvt[k + v] += vt[k]
vt = nvt
del vt[0]
rt = {}
rt[0] = 1
for r in R:
nrt = rt.copy()
for k in rt:
nrt.setdefault(k + r, 0)
nrt[k + r] += rt[k]
rt = nrt
del rt[0]
ra = [0] * (100000 + 1)
for k in rt:
ra[k] = rt[k]
for i in range(1, 100000 + 1):
ra[i] += ra[i - 1]
result = 0
for k in vt:
rlow = (k + B - 1) // B - 1
rhigh = k // A
if rlow == -1:
result += ra[rhigh] * vt[k]
result += (ra[rhigh] - ra[rlow]) * vt[k]
result %= 1000000007
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