Express Java try-catch-finally in Scala's scala.util.Try

Java's try-catch-finally does not catch a fatal error, Scala's try-catch-finally also catches fatal errors. Well-known fatal exceptions include ʻOutOfMemoryError`, and such fatal exceptions should not be caught in the program.

scala> try {
     |   throw new StackOverflowError
     | } catch {
     |   case e: Throwable => println("error")
     | }

Therefore, in Scala, it is common (?) To catch exceptions using scala.util.Try instead of try-catch-finally. scala.util.Try, like Java's try-catch-finally, only catches non-fatal errors (NonFatalError).

scala> Try(throw new StackOverflowError) recover {
     |   case e: Throwable => println("error")
     | }
  at .$anonfun$res13$1(<console>:13)
  at scala.util.Try$.apply(Try.scala:209)
  ... 38 elided

But scala.util.Try becomes Failure when an exception is thrown, and there is no mechanism like finally to do something at the end. I want to finally in Scala. I think there is such a time.

In such a case, there is a way to use scala.util.control.Exception.ultimately. Finally can be achieved by passing the last process to be executed regardless of whether an exception occurs.

scala> Try {
     |   ultimately {
     |     println("finally !")
     |   } {
     |     println("do something")
     |     throw new Exception
     |     println("no execute")
     |   }
     | }
do something
finally !
res: scala.util.Try[Unit] = Failure(java.lang.Exception)

In this way, you can ignore fatal errors and only catch non-fatal errors. Of course, if you don't need to use finally, you don't need ʻultimately` either.


There are only two Japanese articles about scala.util.control.Exception.


As you commented, Scala's try-catch-finally also Pattern matching with NonFatal in catch can only catch non-fatal ones.

NonFatal Exception --scala_text

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