[LINUX] Search for character strings in files [Comparison between Bash and PowerShell]

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I just learned how to do PowerShell.


Command format

$ grep [option] <The character string you want to search> [file name]

# [option]: 任意(以下は、私がよく使うoption)
    -i:Search in case insensitive
    -I:Exclude binary files from search
    -n:Display the line number of the part that was caught in the search
    -r:Also search for files in subdirectories
    -v: <The character string you want to search>Show what does not match
    -w:Show only exact matches
    --exclude="*.extension": 指定したextensionは検索対象外にする
    --include="*.extension": 指定したextensionのみ検索対象にする

# <The character string you want to search>:Mandatory
If space is included in the middle, ""String string"Enclose in double quotes.

# [file name]:Optional (but close to mandatory)
Search only in the specified file.
fundamentally"*(Asterisk): All files can be searched.
I want to narrow down the search target (for example, hoge).Specify a specific file name only when (txt file only).

Example of use

Example 1) Search for all files in the current directory with hoge

$ grep hoge *

Example 2) Search for the hoge.txt file in the current directory with hoge

$ grep hoge hoge.txt

Example 3) Search for exact matches with main for all files including subdirectories

$ grep -rw main *

Example 4) Search for all files including subdirectories that do not contain main

$ grep -rv main *

Example 5) Search by color for all files other than json and xml files including subdirectories

$ grep -r --exclude="*.json" --exclude="*.xml" color *


Command format

> Select-String -Path <file name> -Pattern '<The character string you want to search>' [option]

# <file name>about
Search only in the specified file.
fundamentally"*(Asterisk): All files can be searched.
I want to narrow down the search target (for example, hoge).Specify a specific file name only when (txt file only).

# <The character string you want to search>about
Specify what you want to search here.
Be sure to "single quote (single quote)[Shift] + [7]) ”.

# [option]
    -Encoding:Character code (Shift_JIS and UTF-8 etc.)
    -NotMatch: <The character string you want to search>Show what does not match
    -Exclude <String>:In the file name<String>Exclude those containing
    -Include <String>:In the file name<String>Only those that include
> Get-ChildItem -Path <Folder path you want to search> -Filter <file name> -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern '<The character string you want to search>'

# -About Recurse
Attach this when you want to include subfolders in the search target.

# <Folder path you want to search>
Specify where to start the search.
Search from the current folder: .(Dot)
Search from home folder: ~(Tilde) or$HOME
Search from root folder: /(Slash)

# <file name>about
Same as "Search only in current folder" above.

# <The character string you want to search>about
Same as "Search only in current folder" above.

Example of use

Example 1) Search for all files in the current directory with hoge

> Select-String -Path * -Pattern 'hoge'

Example 2) Search for the hoge.txt file in the current directory with hoge

> Select-String -Path hoge.txt -Pattern 'hoge'

Example 3) Search for files containing main, including all files including subdirectories.

> Get-ChildItem -Path ./* -Filter * -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern 'main'

Example 4) Search for all files including subdirectories that do not contain main

> Get-ChildItem -Path ./* -Filter * -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern 'main' -NotMatch

Example 5) Search by color for all files other than all json files including subdirectories (multiple files are unknown)

> Get-ChildItem -Path ./* -Filter * -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern 'color' -Exclude *.json

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