UnionFind in python (enhanced version: strings and tuples are allowed for elements)


Although it is the famous Union Find, there are few elements of the set that can handle strings and tuples, so I will write an article. I haven't encountered many useful situations, so I'm not sure if it will be useful, but if you are interested, please take a look.

Reference article

https://note.nkmk.me/python-union-find/ https://qiita.com/white1107/items/52fd4149bb1846862e38

Code introduction

I'll leave it to other articles to explain what UnionFind looks like, and I'll show you the code right away.


import collections
class UnionFind():
    def __init__(self):
with unionfind path compression,Elements can be tuples or strings,No number of elements specified at the beginning
        self.parents = dict()                                   #{element:number,}
        self.membersf = collections.defaultdict(lambda : set()) #Tuples and strings are allowed in set
        self.rootsf = set()                                     #Tuples and strings are acceptable
        self.d = dict()
        self.d_inv = dict()
        self.cnt = 0
    def dictf(self,x):
        if x in self.d:
            return self.d[x]
            self.cnt += 1
            self.d[x] = self.cnt
            self.parents[x] = self.cnt
            self.d_inv[self.cnt] = x
            return self.d[x]

    def find(self, x):
        if self.parents[x] == self.dictf(x):
            return x
            self.parents[x] = self.d[self.find(self.d_inv[self.parents[x]])]
            return self.d_inv[self.parents[x]]

    def union(self, x, y):
        x = self.find(x)
        y = self.find(y)
        if self.parents[x] > self.parents[y]:
            x, y = y, x
        if x == y:
        for i in list(self.membersf[y]):
        self.membersf[y] = set()
        self.parents[y] = self.d[x]

    def size(self, x):#Number of elements in the set containing x
        return len(self.membersf[self.find(x)])

    def same(self, x, y):#Judgment whether they belong to the same set
        return self.find(x) == self.find(y)

    def members(self, x):#Elements of the set containing x
        return self.membersf[self.find(x)]

    def roots(self):#Root element
        return self.rootsf

    def group_count(self):#Number of roots
        return len(self.rootsf)

    def all_group_members(self):#Roots and their elements
        return {r: self.membersf[r] for r in list(self.rootsf)}

if __name__=="__main__": #For debugging
    uf_s = UnionFind()
    uf_s.union('A', 'D')
    uf_s.union('D', 'C')
    uf_s.union('E', 'B')
    uf_s.union('A', 'B')

    uf_t = UnionFind()

    uf_ts = UnionFind()

I've attached a nice debug code below.


How to use

Basically, you can use Union Find, which you often see, in the same way. find (x): Find the root of x union (x, y): union sets size (x): Outputs the size of the set containing x elements same (x, y): Determine if they belong to the same set members (x): Output a set containing x roots (): get all roots group_count (): Output the number of sets all_group_members (): Get all roots and their elements

Ingenuity and advantages

Anyway, by making full use of the dictionary, we manage the set by compressing the route while taking the correspondence between the element and the element number. Therefore, any element that can be used as a key in a dictionary can be treated in the same way even if it has a different type (string, tuple, integer, etc.). In addition, many union finds seen elsewhere specify the number of elements first, but in this code, every time an element arrives, it is checked whether it is the first time, and if it is the first time, a number that has not been used until now is assigned, so the element You do not need to specify the number. (Addition: It can also be used when coordinate compression is required or when you want to do 2D union find.)


Compared to ordinary union find, it consumes a lot of memory because there are many parts managed by dictionaries. In addition, there is a lot of data exchange inside unionfind, and it takes a lot of calculation time. Example: https://atcoder.jp/contests/practice2/tasks/practice2_a I didn't do TLE, but it seems that it may not pass if it gets heavier than 1500ms.

in conclusion

Thank you for reading. I myself am a beginner in competitive programming, so please point out any mistakes. (In addition, if you have any problems with this code, please comment on the link etc.)

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