Convenient plugin for Eclipse JAVA development: Decompiler

In Eclipse, JAVA development uses various libraries. If you want to include the contents of a library Class file such as Debug, there is a problem of what to do.

Method 1: Download and configure a ZIP file of the same version of the source as the library Method 2: Install the plug-in that decompiles the Class file and check the contents. How to install Decompiler: ・ Help ⇒ Eclipse Marketplace ⇒ Find by entering "decompiler" -Click the Install button at the bottom right of Enhanced Class Decompiler


After installation, open the JAR file and double-click the class file to see its contents. However, Decompiler has some tools, so you can select it with Open Class With. image.png

CFR: FernFlower: JD: Procyon:

that's all

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