Make python segfault in three lines

I think this is probably the fastest.

$ docker run -ti python:3.8-slim bash
# pip install mysql-connector-python==8.0.20
# python
>>> import random
>>> import mysql.connector
Segmentation fault

What is happening?


mysql-connector-python now bundles and from 8.0.20.

$ pip show -f mysql-connector-python  | grep lib
Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages


import random

Importing random will load At this time, load installed on the system.

import mysql.connector

This import statement attempts to load and At that time, loads its own bundled one, is already loaded and will not be loaded.

Therefore, the situation is as follows. --> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ --> /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mysql-vendor/

Since is incompatible, it causes a segmentation fault.

It has already been reported as a bug.


  1. Load /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mysql-vendor/ etc. with LD_PRELOAD
  2. Use a version earlier than 8.0.19.


I found that it segfaults without loading random separately.

>>> import mysql.connector
Segmentation Fault

The above reasoning cannot be explained a little, so there seems to be another cause. I think it's certain that there is something wrong with the loading order in the bundled library as it can be avoided with LD_PRELOAD.

By the way, strangely, it happens in the python: 3.8-slim image, but not in the python: 3.8 image.

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