[Python] Summary of S3 file operations with boto3

Directory structure

It is assumed that the files are prepared as follows in s3.

└── diagonal/
   └── hoge.csv

Copy files between folders in the same bucket

Create a new straight folder under the line folder and copy line / diagonal / hoge.csv to it.

import os
import boto3

BUCKET_NAME = 'your_bucket'  #Bucket name
COPY_FROM = 'line/diagonal'  #Copy source directory path
COPY_TO = 'line/straight'  #Copy destination directory path]
FILE_NAME = 'hoge.csv'  #file name

s3 = boto3.client('s3')

copy_from_path = os.path.join(COPY_FROM, FILE_NAME)
copy_to_path = os.path.join(COPY_TO, FILE_NAME)

s3.copy_object(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME, key=copy_to_path, CopySource={'Bucket': BUCKET_NAME, 'Key': COPY_FROM_PATH})

When executed, a straight folder will be created under the line folder and hoge.csv will be copied there.

├── diagonal/
│   └── hoge.csv
└── straight/
	└── hoge.csv

Delete files from directory

Delete hoge.csv from the diagonal folder.

import os
import boto3

BUCKET_NAME = 'your_bucket'  #Bucket name
DELETE_DIR_PATH = 'line/diagonal'  #Copy source directory path
FILE_NAME = 'hoge.csv'  #file name

s3 = boto3.client('s3')

delete_file_path = os.path.join(DELETE_DIR_PATH, FILE_NAME)

s3.delete_object(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME, Key=delete_file_path)

When executed, csv will be deleted from hoge.csv under the diagonal folder.

├── diagonal/
└── straight/
	└── hoge.csv

Download locally from S3

import os
import boto3

BUCKET_NAME = 'your_bucket'  #Bucket name
S3_PATH = 'line/straight'  
LOCAL_PATH = 'hogehoge'
FILE_NAME = 'hoge.csv'

s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3_resource.Bucket(BUCKET_NAME)

downlod_from_path = os.path.join(S3_PATH, FILE_NAME)
download_to_path = os.path.join(LOCAL_PATH, FILE_NAME)

bucket.download_file(downlod_from_path, download_to_path)

Save Pandas dataframe as csv in S3

import os
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
import boto3

S3_PATH = 'line/diagonal'
FILE_NAME = 'diagonal.csv'

df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 30]])

upload_path = os.path.join(S3_PATH, FILE_NAME)

csv_buffer = StringIO()
s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3')
s3_resource.Object(S3_BUCKET, upload_path.put(Body=csv_buffer.getvalue())

When executed, diagonl.csv will be created under the diagonal folder.

├── diagonal/
│   └── diagonal.csv
└── straight/
	└── hoge.csv

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