Memorize Python commentary 3 --Numbers

print(-2.0987) print(3 + 4.5) print(3 * (4 + 5)) # modulates operator? Modulo operator: returns the remainder of a division. print(10 % 3) # 10 divided by 3. that's going to be 3 with a remainder of 1.

# variable containers my_num = 5 print(my_num) print(str(my_num) + " is my favorite number.")

# abs == absolute value of a number my_num = -5 print(abs(my_num))

# pow print(pow(3, 2)) # 3^2 3 raised to the power of 2. It should be 3 squared.

# max, min print(max(6, 4)) print("The minimum number is " + str(min(6, 4)))

# round print(round(3.2)) print(round(3.7))

from math import * # math module gives us more math function print("floor 3.7 is " + str(floor(3.7))) print("ceil 3.7 is " + str(ceil(3.7)))

# square root print(sqrt(36))

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