Separate numbers by 3 digits (python)

Use '{:,}'. format () to change the number 98765 to 98,765. It cannot be separated unless it is a numerical value (int). If it is a character string (str), a ValueError will occur.

# python

>>> l=['12345',98765]  #12345 is a string, 98765 is a numeric list
>>> l
['12345', 98765]
>>> print(type(l[0]))  #Type confirmation
<type 'str'>
>>> print(type(l[1]))  #Type confirmation
<type 'int'>
>>> l[0] = '{:,}'.format(l[0])  #An error occurs when trying to separate str types
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: Cannot specify ',' with 's'.
>>> l[1] = '{:,}'.format(l[1])  #There is no problem if it is an int type
>>> l
['12345', '98,765']
>>> type(l[1])  #However, after separating, it becomes str instead of int.
<type 'str'>
>>> l[0] = '{:,}'.format(int(l[0]))  #str type is int()use
>>> l
['12,345', '98,765']

I tried using f-string

>>> m
['12345', 98765]
>>> print(f'{m[0]:,}')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: Cannot specify ',' with 's'.
>>> print(f'{int(m[0]):,}')
>>> print(f'{m[1]:,}')

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