Keyword extraction by MeCab (python)

Here is the Excel file. It is output from a certain DB, and sentences are stored in one record per line and one field. The theme this time is to extract frequently used keywords from the sentences in this field, count the number of appearances for each keyword, and rank them.

The entrance and exit are Windows Excel files, and the middle is done on a Mac.

What to prepare

Do it in your usual environment.

I plan to process the data with pandas later, so I use utf-8 or pandas.

Output to csv from the corresponding xls file

This is from the Excel menu. test.xls -> test.csv

Change the character code from sjis to utf-8

$ nkf -g test.csv
$ nkf -w test.csv > test_utf8.csv
$ nkf -g test_utf8.csv

Load csv with python

import pandas as pd 

csv_file = 'test.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, encoding='utf-8', header=1)

Break down and count by noun and verb

install mecab

brew search mecab

pip search mecab
pip install mecab-python 

... Successfully installed mecab-python-0.996 It's OK to come out. Now you can use it with python (2.x series).

import MeCab

def count_word(df):
	e = df[u'comment']
	dic_n = {}
	dic_v = {}
	m = MeCab.Tagger('-Ochasen')	#Put the output in Chasen mode
	for s in e:
		if type(s) != unicode:
		s8 = s.encode('utf-8')
		print s8
		node = m.parseToNode(s8)
		while node:
			key = node.surface
			if word=='noun':
				dic = dic_n
				print "<", key, "> (n)"
			elif word=='verb':
				dic = dic_v
				print "<", key, "> (v)"
				node =
			if dic.has_key(key):
				dic[key] += 1
				dic[key] = 1
			node =
	return dic_n, dic_v

Write to csv in descending order of appearance (utf-8)

import csv

def write_to_csv(dic, csv_file):
	f = open(csv_file, 'w')
	writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')
	#Sort by Value
	for k,v in sorted(dic.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True):
		print k, v
		writer.writerow([k, v])

write_to_csv(dic_n, 'test_dic_n_utf8.csv')
write_to_csv(dic_v, 'test_dic_v_utf8.csv')

Convert to sjis

$ nkf -g test_dic_n_utf8.csv 
$ nkf -s test_dic_n_utf8.csv > test_dic_n_sjis.csv
$ nkf -g test_dic_n_sjis.csv 

Convert to xls format

Open test_dic_n_sjis.csv in Excel and save it in xls.


Reference site [^1]

[^ 1]: Note that there was a note on this site. `If you want to handle Unicode strings in MeCab, you need to encode them once. At this time, if node = tagger.parseToNode (string.encode ("utf-8")), note that string may be garbage collected during parsing and behave strangely. There is no problem if you assign it to a variable once like this. ```

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