[PYTHON] Display the time in Django according to the user's region (UTC)

Use django-tz-detect . (The source code is here) An open source library released in 2019 with the MIT license applied.
Execution environment
Python:3.7.4 Django:2.2.17

1. 1. Library installation

pip install django-tz-detect

2. 2. Edit setting.py

Add the following to the end of INSTALLED_APPS


    'tz_detect',#add to

Check if TEMPLATES has 'django.template.context_processors.request' (add if not)


        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [
                'django.template.context_processors.request',#If not, add

Added tz_detect.middleware.TimezoneMiddleware to the end of MIDDLEWARE


    'tz_detect.middleware.TimezoneMiddleware',#add to

3. 3. add url


urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^tz_detect/', include('tz_detect.urls')),#add to

4. HTML editing

Add {% load tz_detect%} at the beginning and {% tz_detect%} inside the body tag

At this time, it is desirable to describe {% tz_detect%} immediately before \ because of reading.


{% load tz_detect %}
{% tz_detect %}

Change the time zone setting and raise the browser again to complete. (It may take 1 to 2 minutes to reflect)

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