I would like to continue using PCA following Yesterday's article. I was planning to explain LDA, but I changed my schedule a little and today I only have PCA.
Below is a graph of 43000 handwritten digit data dropped into two dimensions by PCA.
This is the graph of the result of an unreasonable analysis of dropping 784-dimensional handwritten characters into 2 dimensions. "1" and "0" are separated, but "2", "3", "5", "6", "8" are one group, "4", "7" , "9" overlaps as another group. .. .. Especially the graph above is chaos. .. ..
However, if you increase the main components from 2D to ** 30D **, the product contribution rate will exceed 70% at ** 0.731 **, so I have a feeling that the results will be surprisingly good.
Click here for the python code that gives the contribution rate. It's easy with the library ^^
n_comp = 30
pca = decomp.PCA(n_components = n_comp)
pca.fit(dataset.getData()) #Apply principal component analysis to all 43000 handwritten digits
E = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
print "explained", E #Contribution rate of each main component
print "cumsum E", np.cumsum(E) #Cumulative contribution rate
Now, I would like to test how much this main component and the data after dimensionality reduction can be expressed.
In this example, the data is compressed from 784 dimensions to 30 dimensions. Therefore, since there are 30 main components
{\bf a_1} = \{ a_{1,1},a_{1,2},a_{1,3},...,a_{1,784} \} \\
... \\
{\bf a_{30}} = \{ a_{30,1},a_{30,2},a_{30,3},...,a_{30,784} \}
This and the numeric data "0" can be expressed as
{\bf x_0} = \{ x_{0,1},x_{0,2},x_{0,3},....x_{0,30} \}
Can be represented by 30 vectors. The meaning of principal component analysis is that it can be expressed by 30 components, which could not be expressed without using a large vector of 784 components. So, in order to return this to image data,
ImageData_0 = x_{0,1}{\bf a_1} + x_{0,2}{\bf a_2} + ... + x_{0,30}{\bf a_30}
I will do the calculation.
First, I would like to graphically check what each principal component $ {\ bf a_i} $ would look like in an image. From top left, $ {\ bf a_1}, {\ bf a_2}, ... $.
Wow, it turned out to be a rather unpleasant graph rather than chaos. .. .. Is it really okay? .. .. worry. .. ..
Click here for the python code that graphs this principal component.
n_comp = 30
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 12))
for i in range(n_comp):
plot_digits(pca.components_[i], size, 6, 5, i+1, "comp:%d exp:%.3f" % (i+1, E[0]), fontsize=9)
plt.savefig("PCA components.png ")
By the way, the data of each number is the following 30-dimensional vector.
0 [-1701.4516848 360.5515562 501.80559391 335.42365557 -442.37893255
738.40404869 653.87543763 -176.60067741 7.52017489 67.8462729
-34.2218036 -46.55184177 -70.43577469 -342.69209695 377.83995173
-5.66582709 317.76574823 -87.61261823 -94.53116795 175.02827
-213.08659782 272.41196629 7.16761158 -22.635149 -34.60858894
-264.48697639 -76.62192789 14.02612973 -80.42733958 87.6849867 ]
1 [ 661.59577975 699.31132821 -183.28203965 120.61139445 -81.08181052
489.46188551 -683.47083797 85.55938661 -348.5480522 202.97854522
364.55994931 -21.26575592 404.44144851 -97.05254548 61.83993555
-86.78002717 17.65814358 -285.48469649 18.82730277 -207.64273128
44.24360034 -221.89436971 57.22745918 -148.67496175 14.34358893
41.55603106 -333.7236588 208.97888078 59.81363057 -84.55446472]
2 [ 2.61889858 667.83425383 623.25708606 -240.73842216 807.87987427
448.08932462 809.91470435 -532.39654183 -541.55909038 172.17476512
-9.56195501 282.15421246 219.11044719 -220.93747327 43.0973319
146.33386437 181.93836014 116.40958486 13.92428748 -105.6101748
185.89765605 -291.55100581 87.49435262 84.58855469 145.02361174
51.72930638 47.85132163 261.13345514 -24.44843863 50.79510831]
3 [ 114.38181469 20.72714258 504.58355599 -89.64933421 -253.97294532
325.980776 -360.69326214 66.35769716 -14.68477165 -130.43479691
-447.40395968 111.99175081 -31.50682548 183.41780399 -519.83792854
-256.85478577 -113.73387925 -342.03579127 -252.46793099 42.67143142
-127.42356394 186.64626798 181.90229759 219.77068914 -163.18068948
135.98266763 131.31762106 264.38488399 133.3078287 7.35507795]
4 [ 165.75560243 -300.18276053 64.14548517 759.70626076 -425.8443787
157.39033697 -304.0991401 276.40898204 45.86721541 -295.47758088
2.74648031 256.88429711 -87.73418977 -175.36126677 40.05170784
-87.53632407 54.27888133 -199.84899771 -11.82620089 -298.09170974
-232.16000555 89.85484106 292.73288896 125.82278044 -68.7010304
193.42367936 -184.23850425 82.89710955 214.44949617 -191.17837477]
5 [-350.22936554 -141.01297399 389.03065738 -619.26138386 288.79058105
-500.15719527 -538.72021671 -205.96174636 365.50575542 -60.49472136
44.4873806 -135.66792908 -112.30051758 592.00954779 211.90849699
-222.04781047 76.68101573 -173.22893185 -74.82330789 -328.13687912
54.20947384 29.24886881 -54.30828897 109.31639119 -148.5643377
231.27705194 -56.10174144 104.02362596 -5.79036367 127.80551682]
6 [-187.86580218 90.04418067 -744.54442254 350.31041481 -332.06715871
-180.95934671 -162.1086696 16.39830485 -374.48172442 83.73143967
130.89870535 80.7921533 -8.58842498 84.6122807 -146.77018343
-138.92568721 158.65298533 103.19544849 -212.53071491 -278.06266361
176.32032658 318.61200636 -25.04615495 -331.00041428 -68.16511766
-8.6657172 131.68031183 163.86737242 80.71525 17.82871763]
7 [ 672.32316444 -464.80397448 313.66005881 -136.13073047 -325.54440893
352.67672269 333.35838571 149.05717471 110.00701405 233.97083611
202.69128282 -211.99648309 -121.59390141 -235.10689307 -183.46670371
-262.11364747 164.16735123 -102.47910648 257.00098676 -242.83922531
-205.03185461 85.07389889 159.82922651 -153.57362576 15.46211732
-282.58840157 38.47973654 40.80311292 -28.29748845 -68.67282582]
8 [ -2.63682307e+02 -3.92782426e+02 -4.82817090e+02 -1.08732309e+03
3.16636550e+02 9.40608014e+01 9.62990473e+00 -3.44484518e+02
-3.42655267e+02 2.44390233e+02 -3.28347935e+02 1.00384644e+00
4.64562686e+02 -3.92400283e+02 -1.99550884e+01 2.25400966e+02
-3.93818241e+02 -1.72862773e+02 6.53585372e+01 -2.10524955e+02
3.71808324e+02 7.97760442e+01 1.02030888e+02 -2.09960791e+02
-1.65077930e+02 3.51481675e+02 1.99475148e+02 -3.71063678e+02
6.48734732e+01 -1.68703356e+02]
9 [ 306.52927212 -351.81955452 -469.10137206 -647.33110927 112.86683552
215.02556985 -54.15071035 -363.34083069 -211.26631969 -706.20430501
8.02149574 249.34094422 -166.86167523 211.93010084 -226.5338007
85.19449155 185.16142027 148.70012599 -141.61039606 200.31039523
116.4385829 282.81894609 40.49368393 49.44160736 -236.56002282
42.07184296 -210.24357152 -226.30974581 166.15458766 175.76515424]
Then, the data is restored by multiplying each component of this vector by the vector of the main component. Is it okay, with the main component just before ...
Click here for the python code that performed the calculation.
#Get the data after dimension reduction one by one from each number
transformed = [pca.transform(dataset.getByLabel(i, num=1)) for i in range(10)]
label_data_10dim = []
for l in range(10):
vec = []
for i, t in zip(range(len(transformed[l][0])), transformed[l][0]):
vec.append(t * np.array(pca.components_[i])) #Multiply the data element by the vector of the principal component.
S = np.sum(vec,axis=0) #Add up for each element.
#Image display
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
for i in range(10):
plot_digits(label_data_10dim[i], size, 2, 5, i+1, "label:%d"%i, fontsize=9)
So, here is the display.
** I can express more than I imagined! ** You can read "0", "1", "2", "5", "7", "8", "9" without any problem. Please look at "3" lightly. If you look closely, 3 is appearing properly! "4" and "6" are a bit harsh results. However, I think that the numerical image can be restored from the mysterious main component.
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