I'm pretty addicted to it, so I'll summarize it.
docker-maven-plugin is released from the following two.
This time I used docker-maven-plugin of fabric8io.
buid has two modes.
Regarding 1, it is as follows.
<shell>java -jar /maven/service.jar</shell>
2 is as follows.
I chose the method of 2. The reason is
Create a Dockerfile directly under the project and specify the bid reference destination.
FROM amazoncorretto:11-alpine
COPY maven /maven/jar/
COPY ${flyway.sqldir}/V1__Initialize.sql sql/
COPY ${flyway.confdir}/flyway.conf conf/
CMD java -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75 -jar \
maven/jar/${project.name}-${project.version}.jar \
-url=jdbc:mysql://host.docker.internal:${db.port}/${db.name} \
-user=${db.username} \
-password=${db.password} \
-configFiles=conf/flyway.conf \
-jarDirs="" \
(1) Place the created jar in the second layer.
COPY maven /maven/jar/
COPY ${flyway.sqldir}/V1__Initialize.sql sql/
COPY ${flyway.confdir}/flyway.conf conf/
As a mechanism of flyway, when searching for sql and conf files, go to the folder two levels above. Make the directory structure as follows.
│ └V1__Initialize.sql
│ └flyway.conf
(2) Use properties of pom.xml when copying sql and conf files.
If you write it directly in Dockerfile, it will refer to an unintended path. Fix the path declared and referenced in properties.
③ Remove famous files when creating flyway jar
Install the above plugin. Without this, a SecurityException will occur.
mvn package docker:buid
A docker Image is created.
docker run ${project.name}
Is executed.
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