[Eclipse] I want to open the same file twice [Split editor]

For example, a program in which a large number of variables are defined

I think there is something like "This kind of thing should be divided into different classes!" When I actually write a program in practice, I wonder if I often come across such sources.

public class CloneWindow {

  private static String STR_VAR_1 = "var1";
  private static String STR_VAR_2 = "var2";
  private static String STR_VAR_3 = "var3";
  private static String STR_VAR_4 = "var4";
  private static String STR_VAR_5 = "var5";
  private static String STR_VAR_6 = "var6";
  private static String STR_VAR_7 = "var7";
  private static String STR_VAR_8 = "var8";
  private static String STR_VAR_9 = "var9";
  private static String STR_VAR_10 = "var10";
  private static String STR_VAR_11 = "var11";
  private static String STR_VAR_12 = "var12";
  private static String STR_VAR_13 = "var13";
  private static String STR_VAR_14 = "var14";
  private static String STR_VAR_15 = "var15";
  private static String STR_VAR_16 = "var16";
  private static String STR_VAR_17 = "var17";
  private static String STR_VAR_18 = "var18";
  private static String STR_VAR_19 = "var19";
  private static String STR_VAR_20 = "var20";
  public static void main(String[] args) {
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...
     *Assuming that the processing is lined up here ...


By the way, on my laptop it looks like this: arrow_down: eclipse_070.png Yes, you can't see the processing part at all: sweat: I'll just ignore the fact that the laptop screen is small (laughs)

I want to split the screen and edit while looking at the top and bottom at the same time

In such a case, select `Menu Bar → Window → New Editor ```: exclamation: Depending on the version, it may be Menu Bar → Window → Editor → Clone ``. Then ... 002_080.png Two identical files are displayed: open_mouth:

After that, if you adjust the arrangement, you can edit while arranging side by side like this: pencil2: By the way, I added one line to the place indicated by the orange arrow on the right side. 003_070.png

Please do try that out.

If you know it, the implementation will proceed a little easier. Also, for a moment, people around me say "Wow!" (Laughs)

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