Create a simple scheduled batch using Docker's Python Image and parse-crontab

This article is the 14th day of Docker Advent Calendar 2015.


Main subject

This story is from PyCon JP 2015's Talk Session "[Baseball Hack! ~ Data analysis and visualization using Python](" Baseball Hack! ~ Data using Python. This is an excerpt and detailed explanation version of the story "I made a batch to acquire baseball data with Docker and parse-crontab!" That was shown in the second half of "Analysis and Visualization") ".

Basically, there are many parts that I write for my convenience and thoughts, so I am waiting for opinions and suggestions m (_ _) m

Also, in making this material,

** Implementing scheduled execution processing in Python (GAUJIN.JP/Gojin) **

I referred to the above entry.

Who are you


Dockar history


[Announcement of XP Festival 2015] before PyCon JP 2015 ,,, [ "Agile Baseball Science --Agile Baseball that works well for the brain Baseball data was needed for Hanashi "), and development began.


Docker Hub Python image does not include crontab

turning point! ~ Can crontab work with Python alone?

I was just making an announcement for PyCon JP 2015, so I asked on Twitter to "reprint it!" → Thank you for your kind consent.

sample & commentary

The baseball code is a little complicated (& I don't want to explain it too much), so I made a sample.


The recommended environment is Python 3.4.x or higher.

By the way, it works fine with the latest version Python 3.5.1 at the moment (2015/12/14)!

Job setting & execution

Define JobController to execute batch and JobSettings to manage the next execution time & interval until execution.

The argument of () is the familiar crontab setting (* * * * *).


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time
import functools
import logging
from crontab import CronTab
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import math

__author__ = 'Shinichi Nakagawa'

class JobController(object):
Job execution controller

    def run(cls, crontab):
Processing execution
        :param crontab: job schedule
        def receive_func(job):
            def wrapper():

                job_settings = JobSettings(CronTab(crontab))
      "->- Process Start")
                while True:
                            "-?- next running\tschedule:%s" %
                            job_settings.schedule().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
              "->- Job Start")
              "-<- Job Done")
                    except KeyboardInterrupt:
      "-<- Process Done.")
            return wrapper
        return receive_func

class JobSettings(object):
Output settings

    def __init__(self, crontab):
        :param crontab: crontab.CronTab
        self._crontab = crontab

    def schedule(self):
Next run
        :return: datetime
        crontab = self._crontab
        return + timedelta(seconds=math.ceil(

    def interval(self):
Time to next execution
        :return: seconds
        crontab = self._crontab
        return math.ceil(

batch body

Import JobController, Pool the process to be executed, and execute it in parallel.

The sample is made like teaching baseball every Friday night at Tamori Club and every day at 18:00.

As a point to note

That's about it.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from multiprocessing import Pool
from scheduler.job import JobController

__author__ = 'Shinichi Nakagawa'

#Note that the Docker Image Timezone is UTC!"20 15 * * 5")
def notice_tmr_club():
It's time for the Tamori Club(Tokyo)
    :return: None
    """"The Tamori Club will begin! !! !!")

#Note that the Docker Image Timezone is UTC!(I said it twice because it's important)"00 9 * * *")
def notice_baseball():
Teach the time of Yakiu
    :return: None
    """"It's time to go! !! !! !!")

def main():
method to run crontab
    :return: None
    #Log settings(Info level, format, timestamp)
        format="time:%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d\tprocess:%(process)d" + "\tmessage:%(message)s",
        datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

    #Register the job you want to run with crontab
    jobs = [notice_tmr_club, notice_baseball]

    # multi process running
    p = Pool(len(jobs))
        for job in jobs:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:"exit")

if __name__ == '__main__':


This is simple.

Include the GitHub code, launch and exit.


# Python crontab sample

FROM python:3.5.1

MAINTAINER Shinichi Nakagawa <[email protected]>

# add to application
RUN mkdir /app
ADD requirements.txt /app/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
ADD ./scheduler /app/scheduler/
ADD *.py /app/


Write the docker startup settings in docker-compose.yml.

However, move and finish.


  build: .
  dockerfile: ./Dockerfile
  command: python
  container_name: python_crontab_example

Start-up! !! !!

If you docker-compose up (or docker run) and move like this, it's OK.

$ docker-compose up
Creating python_crontab_example
Attaching to python_crontab_example
python_crontab_example | time:2015-12-13 13:45:09.463   process:9       message:->- Process Start
python_crontab_example | time:2015-12-13 13:45:09.464   process:8       message:->- Process Start
python_crontab_example | time:2015-12-13 13:45:09.465   process:9       message:-?- next running        schedule:2015-12-18 15:20:00
python_crontab_example | time:2015-12-13 13:45:09.465   process:8       message:-?- next running        schedule:2015-12-14 09:00:00

Summary & to the next person


To the next

Thank you @tamai.

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