[CRUD] [Django] Create a CRUD site using the Python framework Django ~ 1 ~

What is CRUD?

It refers to the Create (register), Read (reference), Update (update), and Delete (delete) functions. We will implement these functions in Dango.

Do you make an app

I would like to create a blog site. I'm thinking about blueprints, but the main functions are listed below.

*** Blog function ***

--Post Article (Create) --See article (Read) --Article Update (Update) --Delete article

*** User management function ***

--User login --User logout

Create a development environment

In this development, we will use a virtual environment. In a virtual environment, if you refer to PipFile, the version of each package is organized, so I think that it is easy to share the development environment in multi-person development.


name = "pypi"
url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true

flake8 = "*"
autopep8 = "*"

django = "==3.1.1"

python_version = "3.8"

By the way, you can build the same environment as me with the following command.

pip install pipenv 

pipenv shell

pipenv install django==3.1.1

pipenv install --dev flake8 autopep8

Create a project

The project name can be anything, but the folder created by this command is config because it is the folder where the configuration files of the entire project are stored.

django-admin startproject config .

Create an application

In Django, we will create apps (functions) in the project. First, we will create a blog function, so let's call it blog.

python manage.py startapp blog

After creating the app, you have to set the project as "App created!". Add the following to /crud/config/settings.py. In addition, let's set the language and time zone.




TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Tokyo'

That's all for today. Do you have the following directory files? image.png

Thank you very much.

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