[PYTHON] Thermal Camera (Thermo AI Device TiD) Raspberry Pi Edition

The Thermo AI device TiD is controlled by a Raspberry Pi. I think the Raspberry Pi is cheap and easy to use.

  1. Introduction
  2. Sensor
  3. Sensor case
  4. Raspberry Pi
  5. Python 5.1 Form 5.2 OMRON Non-contact Temperature Sensor D6T-44L-06 Edition 5.3 Pololu ranging sensor VL53L0X edition 5.4 BOSCH Temperature / Humidity / Barometric Pressure Sensor BME280 5.5 Shutdown / Restart Switch 5.6 OpenCV 5.7 Speedup

Raspberry Pi The Thermo AI device TiD uses a Raspberry Pi 4.


As a case DIY metal case made by Physical Computing Lab < I'm using/a>. You can buy it on Amazon. I have tried various cases, but it is easy to handle the one made of metal and the case itself has a heat dissipation function. It may be hot to the touch, so be careful not to get burned.

VISA mount plate

rh.jpg The Raspberry Pi is a FreeCAD-designed mount plate that attaches to a VESA standard plate. DIY metal case made by Physical Computing Lab > Can be attached by fitting, so it is easy to attach and detach and can be held firmly. When manufacturing, we recommend elastic materials such as nylon. Download 3D printer data (.wrl)

Assembly image

assembly.jpg The image is a mount plate made of nylon (white), a metal case, and a Raspberry Pi 4.

YouTube: Thermal Camera (Thermo AI Device TiD) Raspberry Pi Edition web: Thermo AI device TiD Raspberry Pi (URL is subject to change.)

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