[PYTHON] Thermal camera (Thermo AI device TiD) Sensor edition

This is an overview of the sensors used in the Thermo AI device TiD.

  1. Introduction
  2. Sensor
  3. Sensor case
  4. Raspberry Pi
  5. Python 5.1 Form 5.2 OMRON Non-contact Temperature Sensor D6T-44L-06 Edition 5.3 Pololu ranging sensor VL53L0X edition 5.4 BOSCH Temperature / Humidity / Barometric Pressure Sensor BME280 5.5 Shutdown / Restart Switch 5.6 OpenCV 5.7 Speedup


OMRON MEMS non-contact temperature sensor D6T-44L-06

item Contents
Model D6T-44L-06
Number of pixels 16 (4x4)
Power-supply voltage DC5[V]
image d6t.jpg

Pololu Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor Module VL53L0X

item Contents
Model VL53L0X
range of detection 3 ~ 200[cm]
Operating voltage DC2.6 ~ 5.5[V]
image vl53l0x.jpg

BOSCH temperature / humidity / barometric pressure sensor BME280

item Contents
Model BME280
temperature -40 ~ +85[℃]
Relative humidity 0 ~ 100[%]
Barometric pressure 300 ~ 1100[hPa]
Operating voltage DC1.71 ~ 3.6[V]
image bme280.jpg

Distance correction for non-contact temperature sensor

calibration.jpg The Thermo AI device TiD uses the VL53L0X to correct the measured temperature of the non-contact temperature sensor. The Thermo AI device TiD has a program that can record the relationship between distance and temperature. The data is recorded by this, the approximate expression is obtained by spreadsheet software, and the temperature of the distance is corrected by the approximate expression.

YouTube: Thermal Camera (Thermo AI Device TiD) Sensor Edition web: Thermo AI Device TiD Sensor Edition (URL is subject to change.)

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