[PYTHON] Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization (I)

1. Summary

This time, we have summarized the Newton's method, which is the most famous and commonly used nonlinear optimization method, and provided implementation examples in R and Python. I used it (planned) for parameter estimation of an analysis method with multivariate analysis, so I implemented it for studying.

2. Non-linear optimization

2.1 What is it?

As it is, it is the optimization (= minimization / maximization) of nonlinear functions. Examples of nonlinear functions include $ y = x ^ 2 $ and $ y = x \ log_e x $. For example, taking $ y = x \ log_e x $ as an example, if you want to get a point that gives the minimum value of this function, (assuming that you know that $ 0 <x $ is convex downwards) ) Differentiate with respect to $ x $ $\frac{d}{dx}y = \log_e x + 1$ All you have to do is calculate the value of the function at the point where this gradient is $ 0 . In other words $\log x_e + 1 = 0$$ All you have to do is find the root of. By the way, $ \ hat {x} = 1 / e $. In this way, if the equation can be solved simply as a span (if it can be solved analytically), that is fine, but in many cases the solution cannot be expressed explicitly. Non-linear optimization methods are useful in such cases.

2.2 Newton-Raphson method

The Newton method, Newton-Raphson method, wiki is the most famous, simple and versatile method of nonlinear optimization. There is Newton% 27s_method)). For mathematical details, see Here (What is Newton's method ?? Approximate solution of equations solved by Newton's method). If you are polite and understand high school mathematics softly, I think you can get a general idea. To implement this

Two are required. Regarding the first, for the time being,

\frac{d}{dx}f(x) = \underset{h\rightarrow 0}\lim \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}

Let's implement. In R,

numerical.differentiate = function(f.name, x, h = 1e-6){
  return((f.name(x+h) - f.name(x))/h)

So, in python,

def numerical_diff(func, x, h = 1e-6):
    return (func(x + h)-func(x))/h

Is it like that? Using these and the sequential calculation by Newton's method,

\log_e x + 1 = 0

Let's solve. An example of execution in R is

newton.raphson(f.5, 100, alpha = 1e-3) # 0.3678798

An example of execution in python is

newton_m(f_1, 100, alpha = 1e-3) # 0.36787980890600075

In both cases, we can see that the solution of the above equation is close to $ 1 / e \ fallingdotseq1 / 2.718 = 0.3679176 $.

3. Sample code

It's a miscellaneous code ...

{r, newton_raphson.R}

numerical.differentiate = function(f.name, x, h = 1e-6){
  return((f.name(x+h) - f.name(x))/h)

newton.raphson = function(equa, ini.val, alpha = 1, tol = 1e-6){
  x = ini.val
  while(abs(equa(x)) > tol){
    grad = numerical.differentiate(equa, x)
    x = x - alpha * equa(x)/grad

f.5 = function(x)return(log(x) + 1)
newton.raphson(f.5, 100, alpha = 1e-3)

{python, newton_raphson.py}

import math
def numerical_diff(func, x, h = 1e-6):
    return (func(x + h)-func(x))/h

def newton_m(func, ini, alpha = 1, tol = 1e-6):
    x = ini
    while abs(func(x)) > tol:
        grad = numerical_diff(func, x)
        x = x - alpha * func(x)/grad
    return x

def f_1(x):
    return math.log(x) + 1

print(newton_m(f_1, 100, alpha = 1e-3))

In order for Newton's method to converge to the global optimal solution, the function to be optimized must have a global optimal solution in the interval $ [a, b] $ to be optimized and must be convex in that interval. Let's watch out. The program I used to write was a multivariable program, so it wasn't easy to understand, but a single variable program is simple and easy to understand. The accuracy of the calculation depends on the tol and h parameters.

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