Rails is difficult and painful!

Hello, nice to meet you.

This is Martaro. Thank you. This time, I will publish the contents that I stumbled upon for the first time since I started attending programming school. To be honest, it was painful! I was about to be frustrated. But I managed to hold it up.

Someone who stumbled in the same place as me, who doesn't know how to ask. I hope it will be helpful for such people. Some people, like me, may not be familiar with the alphabet yet, so this time I will write it in katakana notation as much as possible.

Let's go now! !!

What to prepare

--Paper --Pen

The best way to organize your mind is to face yourself. After all paper and pen are good for that. It doesn't matter if it takes time. Let's sort it out now.

difficult! !!

For the first time in Rails, I don't know what I don't understand. Isn't that the case? I became Or rather. That was the case with Ruby classes and instances. First of all, let's clarify what you don't understand, whether you are not convinced or uncomfortable.

Where do you not know?

-I don't know the location of the file --I don't know how the files are connected --I don't know the role of the controller --I don't understand the role of the model --I don't understand the role of the view --I don't understand the role of routing --I don't know the database --I don't understand CSS

And so on ... Is there anything that applies? I was ** all **

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