Django: Fluctuate the number of child forms depending on the number of input items

Change the number of child forms of companion by the number of entered orders (units).

I don't know how to do it, so I'll try it forcibly. ::

    if request.method == "POST":

          form = OrderForm(user=request.user,
                           ticket=ticket, data=request.POST)
          #: Order(order)
          is_form_valid = form.is_valid()
          #: Companion (Accompanying person)
          formset = create_companion_formset(
              request, order=form.instance)            
          is_formset_valid = formset.is_valid()

          number = int(form.cleaned_data.get('units', 1)) 
          if number != len(formset.forms):
              #:Because there was a change in the number....
              is_formset_valid = False
              old = formset
              #:Recreate the formset with a new number
              formset = create_companion_formset(None, extra=number)
              #:make a copy
              for i in range(min(number, len(old.forms))):
                  formset.forms[i] = old.forms[i]
         if is_form_valid and is_forset_valid:

Mandatory entry of added child form:

    class OrderCompanionFormset(BaseInlineFormSet):

        def clean(self):
            for i in range(self.total_form_count()):
                if not self.forms[i].has_changed():
                    _errs = self.forms[i].error_class(
                        [_("Form must be filled.")])
                    self.forms[i].errors['__all__'] = _errs 

Formset factory:

    def create_companion_formset(request, order=None, extra=1, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Make a Companion form set'''
        kwargs['form'] = CompanionForm
        kwargs['can_delete'] = False
        kwargs['formset'] = OrderCompanionFormset
        if request and request.method == "POST":
            formset = inlineformset_factory(
                Order, Companion,
                *args, **kwargs)(request.POST, instance=order)
            formset = inlineformset_factory(
                Order, Companion, extra=extra,
                *args, **kwargs)(instance=order)
        return formset                    

The _errs message appears in non_form_erros:

    {% for form in formset %}
    <h4>Accompanying person</h4>
    {% if form.non_form_errors %}
    <div class="alert alert-error">{{ from.non_form_error.as_text }}</div>
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}                                                                  

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