[PYTHON] For those of you who don't know how to set a password with Jupyter on Docker


I want to try machine learning → Tensorflow, right? I want to try it interactively on the Web → Jupyter, right? I want to build infrastructure easily → Docker, right? So, I tried it, but I got stuck in where to set the password, so I will write the solution

Assumed reader

Those who apply to the following

――I'm an infrastructure engineer, but I want to try machine learning --Docker I've been touching it recently, but I don't know the details --Python I'm touching it for a while, but I don't know much --Jupyter Is that okay? I don't know

Reasons to use Docker

Basically I would like to try it on my current MacBook Air, but obviously I don't have enough resources. So, if you want to do it firmly, the best solution is on the cloud such as AWS or GCP. I want to hit it locally and then bring it to the cloud, so the easiest and most popular thing is Docker. Building Jupyter is a hassle, so it's really easy to use a container that contains everything. (If you try to put it in Ansible or Chef, it will get stuck in various ways ...)

Get image

First, get the image. There are various types of Jupyter images below, so choose one according to your purpose. https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks

I want to use tensorflow this time, so I will use the following. https://github.com/jupyter/docker-stacks/tree/master/tensorflow-notebook

docker pull let's pull

$ docker pull jupyter/tensorflow-notebook
Unable to find image 'jupyter/tensorflow-notebook:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from jupyter/tensorflow-notebook
75a822cd7888: Pulling fs layer 
f74dd7a42a1f: Pulling fs layer 
7b03c47d9699: Pull complete 
ecef67eb4d88: Pull complete 
bd6c8cee2aa9: Pull complete 
8ecf884c467a: Pull complete 
7dc68d7c7ffd: Pull complete 
3369a456e292: Pull complete 
e626c4a34300: Pull complete 
619d5c673fb7: Pull complete 
eff746881b74: Pull complete 
fae5187ea9e1: Pull complete 
e1fd76e4adb2: Pull complete 
b5d2ba91f6a5: Pull complete 
5804e217f19f: Pull complete 
7719a427e59f: Pull complete 
33ea9d473883: Pull complete 
d28a865b24f6: Pull complete 
7e2fa13ce090: Pull complete 
15b63cba13fd: Pull complete 
adcb147a9782: Pull complete 
ce56ab01574f: Pull complete 
aa6a6ae0b01e: Pull complete 
2c54a9d73fcd: Pull complete 
47c2872f3870: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:dd7b9e81c167647a87300043f21e3b37eee6d463815b86db9976c299cd4cc046
Status: Downloaded newer image for jupyter/tensorflow-notebook:latest

important point

You may get an error as shown below.

$ docker pull jupyter/tensorflow-notebook
Unable to find image 'jupyter/tensorflow-notebook:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from jupyter/tensorflow-notebook
75a822cd7888: Pulling fs layer 
f74dd7a42a1f: Pulling fs layer 
f74dd7a42a1f: Pull complete 
ecef67eb4d88: Download complete 
bd6c8cee2aa9: Download complete 
8ecf884c467a: Download complete 
7dc68d7c7ffd: Download complete 
3369a456e292: Download complete 
e626c4a34300: Download complete 
619d5c673fb7: Download complete 
eff746881b74: Download complete 
fae5187ea9e1: Download complete 
e1fd76e4adb2: Download complete 
b5d2ba91f6a5: Downloading 96.62 MB/660.8 MB
5804e217f19f: Download complete 
7719a427e59f: Downloading 126.5 MB/281.6 MB
33ea9d473883: Download complete 
d28a865b24f6: Downloading 314.1 MB/314.1 MB
7e2fa13ce090: Waiting 
15b63cba13fd: Waiting 
adcb147a9782: Waiting 
ce56ab01574f: Waiting 
aa6a6ae0b01e: Waiting 
2c54a9d73fcd: Waiting 
47c2872f3870: Waiting 
docker: write /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob222925529: no space left on device.
See 'docker run --help'.

The cause is that the image is about 5G, so it seems that the capacity is insufficient. So, if you delete other images, it's OK (neural style is too big)

$ docker images
REPOSITORY                         TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
poppen/trusty-ansible-serverspec   latest              e84a5c7341fd        10 weeks ago        691 MB
flyinprogrammer/serverspec         latest              1b34b62345b3        12 weeks ago        154.4 MB
somatic/torch-fast-neural-style    latest              97645d9c69e8        3 months ago        7.323 GB
amazon/amazon-ecs-agent            latest              a76825ffa321        3 months ago        10.84 MB
elenaalexandrovna/opencv-python3   latest              910fcd0fa477        4 months ago        594.7 MB
trafferty/docker-ipython-opencv    latest              686f355ae522        19 months ago       8.676 GB
$ docker rmi a76825ffa321 910fcd0fa477 97645d9c69e8
Untagged: amazon/amazon-ecs-agent:latest
Untagged: amazon/amazon-ecs-agent@sha256:391a45a5b69a8d9fe1844310c4cf90e82e31cb167a93eb94d5a49b2b2456ad46
Deleted: sha256:a76825ffa321686b2df70a0be52fe5ecd52006a347cee5f07635b188655a5e86

Start the container for hash value acquisition

$ docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 jupyter/tensorflow-notebook
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
fb31e1a2fda1        jupyter/tensorflow-notebook   "tini -- start-notebo"   6 seconds ago       Up 1 seconds>8888/tcp   thirsty_kilby

At this rate, even if you access http: // localhost: 8888, you will only be looking at the password screen.

Get hash value

Launch bash in the container with docker exec

$ docker exec -it fb31e1a2fda1 /bin/bash

Run it from python, type in the password you want to set twice, and get the hash value of the password. In the example below, the hash value is sha1: hogehoge: fugafuga.

< python -c 'from notebook.auth import passwd;print(passwd())'               
Enter password: 
Verify password: 
jovyan@fb31e1a2fda1:~/work$ exit

When attached

If you attach docker, it will attach to the standard input / output of start-notebook.sh that is executed when the container is started, and you cannot type python commands.

$ docker attach fb31e1a2fda1

★ I can't execute any command (just looking at the log)

ç^C[I 13:28:14.809 NotebookApp] Interrupted...
[I 13:28:14.810 NotebookApp] Shutting down kernels

Delete container

Delete this container as it is no longer used

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
fb31e1a2fda1        jupyter/tensorflow-notebook   "tini -- start-notebo"   10 minutes ago      Up 10 minutes>8888/tcp   tender_snyder
$ docker stop fb31e1a2fda1
$ docker rm fb31e1a2fda1
$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES


Finally start the container with the password set Put the hash value you got earlier, sha1: hogehoge: fugafuga, into the value of the option NotebookApp.password in start-notebook.sh and execute it.

docker run -d -p 8888:8888 jupyter/tensorflow-notebook start-notebook.sh --NotebookApp.password='sha1:hogehoge:fugafuga'

Now you can go to http: // localhost: 8888 and enter the password you set above to log in. After that, please play with MNIST.


You can use the openssl command, right? I did the following, but it didn't work

$ echo [password] | openssl sha1

I thought sha1 was sha1, but why? Is the format different?


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