Verification of how to periodically execute a script on a Linux server on Windows

We verified whether the operation can be performed according to the title. image.png

-Verification environment- Windows 10 2 virtualbox VMs (Centos7)

Technology used/function purpose of use
Task Manager For periodic execution of Linux server scripts from Windows
teraTermMacro To ssh connect to the Jump server and kick the Shell script
expect To kick a Shell script on the Target server from the Jump server
Windows bat Since it is inconvenient to set ttl directly in TaskManager, details will be explained later.

The setting will proceed in the reverse flow of the image. ① Target server ・ Install the shell script you want to process ・ Process to acquire the memory usage rate ② Jump server ・ Install expect and install shell script using its function) ③ Windows local PC ・ TeraTermMacro (created for ShellScript Kick of Jump server) ・ Windows bat ・ TaskManager periodic execution setting

1. Install Shellscript on Target server

Work target: Target server Purpose: Set up a shell script for the process you want to run (as a process to record memory usage)

$ cat
# create file memory-use.log
if [[ ! -e /var/tmp/memory-use.log ]]; then
  touch /var/tmp/memory-use.log
  chmod 755 /var/tmp/memory-use.log
# memory use rate check
MemTotal=`free | grep Mem: | awk -F " " '{print$2}'`
MemoFree=`free | grep Mem: | awk -F " " '{print$4}'`

MemUse=`expr $MemTotal - $MemoFree`
MemRate=`expr $MemUse "*" 100 / $MemTotal`

echo `date +%Y-%m-%d/%H:%M` >> /var/tmp/memory-use.log
echo  "Memory Used Rate:" $MemRate"%" >> /var/tmp/memory-use.log

Execution result: It's like recording the memory usage in a log file.

[vagrant@Target tmp]$ tail -n2 memory-use.log
Memory Used Rate: 16% 

2. Expect installation, shell script installation using that function.

Work target: Jump server Purpose: Remotely execute installed in 1 from the Jump server. 2-1. Install expect

[vagrant@Jump tmp]$ sudo yum install expect -y

2-2. Installed a shell script that uses the expect function (automates the dialogue response). Purpose: Kick of Jump → target.

[vagrant@Jump tmp]$ cat
expect -c "
set timeout 2
spawn env LANG=C /usr/bin/ssh [email protected]
expect \"password:\"
send \"vagrant\n\"
expect \"~]$\"
send \"cd /var/tmp\n\"
expect \"]$\"

send \"bash ./\n\"

expect \"tmp]$\"
exit 0
[vagrant@Jump tmp]$

3. Install local Windows PC Teraterm Macro

Work target: Local Windows PC Purpose: Kick on Windows PC → Jump server

Expect_test> type jump-expect-kick.Instead of the ttl ← cat command, use the type command to display the contents.

username = 'vagrant'
hostname = ''
passwdfile = 'passwd.dat'
portnum = '22'
call login
call exec
call exit
    getpassword passwdfile username userpasswd
    msg = hostname
    strconcat msg ':portnum /ssh /auth=password /user='
    strconcat msg username
    strconcat msg ' /passwd='
    strconcat msg userpasswd
    strconcat msg inputstr
    connect msg
    wait '$ '
    msg = 'cd '
    strconcat msg '/var/tmp'
    sendln msg

    wait ']$ '
    msg = 'bash ./'
    sendln msg
    pause 8
    wait '$ '
    msg = 'exit'
    sendln msg

4. Set the task schedule in Windows Task Manager.

Work target: Windows PC

    1. Run the following at the command prompt   compmgmt.msc ⇒ Computer management starts.
    1. task Scheduler ⇒Open the task scheduler library. Right-click to open Create Task.
    1. Task settings image.png

This completes.

-PS- I decided to join the Advent calendar in a hurry This is what I did recently in my drawer.

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