[PYTHON] Use pandas to convert grid data to row-holding (?) Data

Note that I was worried when I wanted to convert the grid data.

Thing you want to do

There is such grid data

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3),
    index=["y01", "y02", "y03"],
    columns=["x01", "x02", "x03"]
x01 x02 x03
y01 0 1 2
y02 3 4 5
y03 6 7 8

I want to convert this like this.

column0 column1 column2
y01 x01 0
y01 x02 1
y01 x03 2
y02 x01 3
y02 x02 4
y02 x03 5
y03 x01 6
y03 x02 7
y03 x03 8


In pandas, you can use the following method.


Then it comes out like this.

level_0 level_1 0
0 y01 x01 0
1 y01 x02 1
2 y01 x03 2
3 y02 x01 3
4 y02 x02 4
5 y02 x03 5
6 y03 x01 6
7 y03 x02 7
8 y03 x03 8

Happy !! Please let me know if there is a better way

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