[PYTHON] How to deploy a Streamlit application to GCP (GAE)

0. Folder structure

application_directory └Dockerfile └app.py └app.yaml └requirements.txt

1. Create a Dockerfile

Create the following Dockerfile

FROM python:3.7
COPY requirements.txt ./requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD streamlit run app.py --server.port 8080

2. Create requirements.txt

Create the following file.


3. Create app.yaml


runtime: custom
env: flex

4. Deploy

Create any project on GCP.

Go to "App Engine" from the navigation menu on the home page of the created project and create an App Engine application. Select "Python" for Language and "Flexible" for Environment.

If you don't have the Google Cloud SDK installed, download and install it. Now you can use the glow command.

Perform the following operations in application_directory.

First, initialize the SDK if necessary.

$gcloud init

Then deploy to App Engine.

$gcloud app deploy



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