How to make Python 3.x and 2.x coexist on Mac (I also included opencv as a bonus)

Thing you want to do

  1. Both versions should be installed independently without interfering with each other
  2. Easy version switching


1. Install pyenv

$ brew install pyenv

Then add the following to your environment variables: For example, if you are using zsh for your shell, add the following to ~ / .zshrc: If you use bash, add it to ~ / .bash_profile.


export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

2. Install anaconda

python3 series installation

$ pyenv install anaconda3-x.x.x

python2 series installation

$ pyenv install anaconda2-x.x.x

pyenv global and pyenv local

You can switch the version with pyenv global hogehoge or pyenv local hugahuga. If you set it to global, the version change will be reflected as a whole, and if you set it to local, the version switching will be reflected under the current directory.

3 Install OpenCV

Python3 + OpenCV3 $ conda install -c opencv3 Python2 + OpenCV2 $ conda install -c menpo opencv=2.4.11

afterwards $ pyenv rehash

To make sure it's installed properly, start Python and run the following code.

import cv2 cv2.__version__

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